Welcome Wednesday – “Thanking the Academy” edition
Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Wednesdays!
No author – and definitely no indie author – works alone. We all have a whole host of professionals we work with – cover artists, editors, book formatters, virtual assistants, marketing partners, audiobook narrators, you name it. So today our theme is recognizing and thanking those people who’ve helped us make our books the best they can be, or helped us get them in front of an audience.
So, authors, in the comments, I’d like you to call out someone specific – your cover designer, your editor, the person who organizes your regualr writing group, the person who taught yo how to make the perfect Facebook ad, whatever it might be. Tell us about that person, give us a link to them, and be sure to include a link to your own book(s), too!
I’ll begin…
I’ll single out my newest audiobook narrator, Cait Frizzell. She’s working with me on the audiobook for FINDERS KEEPERS, as well as future books in the series once they’re written. She’s also a professional opera singer, which is just really cool. Her website is currently being redesigned, but you can find her elsewhere on the internet:
Her ACX page (with samples of her audiobook work)
An audiobook sample of her work on FINDERS KEEPERs (click below to listen):
And here are two YouTube videos. First is a short video she made about herself and her philosophy of life:
Second is a video of her doing all the Disney Princesses, in one take. Watch the whole thing – it’s amazing:
And now it’s your turn!
(when you’re done here, please stop by Exquisite Quills, where there are daily memes just like this one and plenty of fantastic authors you can discover!)

12 Replies to “Welcome Wednesday – “Thanking the Academy” edition”
I’d like to thank my ACX narrator, Joshua Saulter, who did a fabulous job on my debut novel, Phantom Traces last year. He’s been kind enough to honor me with agreeing to produce my new release, HEARTS UNLOCHED.
This is one guy who’s not only talented, but he’s considerate, punctual, and a pleasure to work with. You can find Josh here
And here’s Phantom Traces Amazon
Now Josh is working on my latest release, HEARTS UNLOCHED Hearts Unloched
Thanks to awesome producers like Josh Saulter, my books come to life in a whole new way!
Claire Gem Claire Gem Website
I’d like to thank my editor and publishing coach, Danielle Martin (TheCAMDA Company), who did and AMAZING job on my latest book, Lessons From A Good Girl. Not only did she complete the full edit, but she coached me through the writing process and designed my book cover, promotional flyers, retractable banner and even had her husband edit a promotional video for me.
Here’s a link to her general website and if you click endeavor you can see ALL of her businesses
Here’s a link to her social media page to see other work she’s done
Here’s a link to my book
Thanks to Danielle Martin my dream became reality.
I can’t imagine writing without my incredible editor, Teresa McCammon-Asche. She’s more like my literary BFF at this point, my wordy sidekick that keeps me sane when the words just won’t cooperate. With a masters degree in literature, she not only sorts out my grammar issues, she helps me develop stronger characters and sturdier plot structure. I wish every indie author I knew could have a fabulous editor sidekick like Teresa. The world would be filled with better books!
If you know an author looking for a new editor, please send them her way.
Pengirl Editing: https://pengirlediting.wordpress.com/about/
Want to check out her latest work? A Familiar Darkness just released yesterday!
Amazon Link: http://amzn.com/B01DME35AC
(sorry! I have no idea how to embed links with html!)
On sale $0.99!
I’d like to thank a book promotor, Brandon Murry (Ebooksforfreeinc.), who is doing a Wonderful job on my latest boxed set, Cozy Mystery: 60 stories similar to Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot. Not only did he promote my book, but he also did it for free and he’s inviting every writer to use his service for free.
Here’s a link to his website if you wish to promote your book for free. You can see ALL of the services there
Here’s a link to his Facebook page to see other work he’s done
Here’s a link to my book:FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITED
Thanks to Brandon Murry I sold many books.
When you release your first novel, you have too many people to thank, really.
Two superstars come to mind for me, however. People who made my first – a YA historical fantasy in a crowded genre! – really shine:
Penny Freeman (content editor; believer in my story; co-owner of the imprint that released the book). Penny fought to have my book put out there to the world. Fought. Really. That alone is just . . . wow. But she’s also a fantastic editor who pulls more work out of me that I thought possible. She really transformed me from Writer to Author.
Egle Zioma (cover artist; digital artist; super-responsive-to-my-crazy-author-needs-creative-gal). I shall always be infinitely grateful for Egle giving actual faces to my “imaginary friends”. Responsive to all sorts of nit-picky changes yet ever the professional, she made my novel compelling from first sight.
Come see the fruits of their labor over at my site, M. K. Wiseman author.
Whoa. Something clearly went strangely wrong with the linkage.
The site for my editor, Penny, is here: http://www.pennyfreeman.me
(The rest of the links are all screwy, too, as you’ll note. But they are there if you click around.)
Amazon shows a KU member price of $0.00
I want to give a shout-out to my amazing cover artist, Mominur Rahman:
I’ve used him for most of my books. He takes the details I give him about my characters and brings them to life the way I imagined them – or even better than my imagination!
I’d love to shout out to my cover artist, Angelina Walker, as she has done some gorgeous hand-painted watercolors for my covers, and I love them (sadly, she doesn’t have a website).
Also a shout out to my editors and marketing team at Stormcave (no website yet, but here’s their new facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Stormcave/)
And my beta readers, fellow author and artist Ally at Inyeri Designs: http://www.findyourreflection.com/ and fellow author DJ Edwardson: http://www.djedwardson.com/
Without any of them, my books would not be what they are today, and I definitely would not have been able to release Yorien’s Hand earlier this year: http://www.amazon.com/Yoriens-Hand-Minstrels-Song-3/dp/1517076366/
I’d like to thank my husband who not only designed my covers, but supported me through over the last year and change of my writing the Alliance Series endeavor. From kiddo handling to doggie care to taking care of our little homebased business – he did everything, and finally the first book in the series is published. Would have never happened without him.
Escape is Book One.
The Owl Branch Book Promotions. They help all authors, writers and poets promote and market their books. Come take a look at what we can do for you. http://www.theowlbranch2015.net