Radio Tonight!
Be sure to tune in tonight on your internet radio. I’ll be on at 8:45 PM on he Author’s Corner with Elaine Reco Chase. But the show actually runs from 8 PM, and there will be other great authors you can hear about, so you ought to tune in early!
Also, check out the weekly Virtual Book Fair, starting tomorrow at 9 AM. As usual, I’ll be there, along with dozens of other great indie writers!
I’ve got an update on Book #5, too. The prologue and chapters 1-6, and also 8-9 are written. Chapter 7 is close to halfway done, and I’ve also started writing a bit of the ending, Chapter 16. I’m still unsure whether the ending I have in mind really fits. This will sound silly (or strange), but I don’t think readers will have any problem with it – it’s Sara who’s got objections. She really does have a mind of her own…