Indie Author Spotlight – Sheri Fredricks

Indie Author Spotlight – Sheri Fredricks

I really enjoy spotlighting indie writers for you to discover, and here’s another one that you really ought to take a look at…award winning author Sheri Fredricks…

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Always on the hunt for the uncommon things in life, award-winning author Sheri Fredricks thrives on creating adventures in her mythological kingdom.

A former engineering secretary, Sheri lives on California’s beautiful central coast. “I wanted to move away from inflexible right angles and create an unboxed world with no boundaries.” A voracious reader since her early years, Sheri found her brain crowded with stories and characters of her own. “Ultimately,” she says, “my husband encouraged me to write them all down.”

Sheri loves to spend time at home. A computer hutch keeps her focused on creating stories, but the panoramic view of life on a ranch will call her outside to play in the sun.

You can follow Sheri at her website, her blog and her Amazon author page.

Her latest book is “Portals of Oz”

Portals of Oz erotic fantasy romance


Abelia, a Boronda Forest Wood Nymph…

She came to Willow Bay to satisfy her curiosity of human life, and got more than she bargained for.


Jack, an archeologist bent on discovery…

He can’t wait to leave Pennsylvania and return to his explorations in Australia, where life is filled with dingos and roos.


Danger abounds…

Human hunters stalk the enthralling Abelia, and Jack comes to her rescue. The hunters back off, but she suddenly vanishes, and he’s left confused as he returns home to the rugged Outback.


They’ll risk it all…

When Abelia magically appears in Jack’s kitchen, she must divulge who and what she really is and risk the mythic people’s secret for his help to return home. Meanwhile he risks his heart in convincing her to stay.

You can buy it, right this second, with one click at Amazon! And, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of te post, Sheri’s provided a (very spicy) excerpt from the book for us!

That’s not her only book. There’s also Remedy Maker, which is book 1 of Sheri’s Centaur Series. It’s the winner of the Paranormal Romance Guild 2012 Reviewer’s Choice Award, so obviously it’s worth a look! You can find it right here. And she’s got a second book in the Centaur Series, Troll-Y Yours, which you can find by clicking here.

I’ve also got an interview with Sheri…

1: How did you start your writing career?
I’ve always been a reader, an interest I inherited from my father. On average, I used to go through three fairly thick romance novels a week, and I think my husband got a little sick of it. One evening he suggested I write a story of my own. So I jumped on my son’s PC and started writing. My family didn’t see me for three months! LOL

2: Where do you dream of traveling to and why?
When planning our wedding, the Hubs and I poured over travel brochures and internet links. The one place we wanted to go, we couldn’t afford. I would love to travel to Scotland for a horseback riding adventure. It’s called “The Pub Crawl”, and you ride from one pub to another, stopping at B&B’s along the way, and viewing all that breathtaking scenery.

3: What was your first sale as an author?
After querying agents and publishers with the first book in my centaur series, and receiving the big fat Rejection, I queried a fledgling epublisher with positive results. Within a few months, a contract was signed, my book was edited, and a beautiful cover made. Four days after I debuted on Amazon with Remedy Maker, an erotic fantasy romance, my epublisher closed their doors unexpectedly with only an email notice to let me know. Devastation didn’t cover how I felt. But with all the contacts I’d made, a good friend, and now my editor, Leanore Elliott reformatted and updated the book cover, and I was back on Amazon within 24 hours as a self-published author. I’ll be forever grateful to Leanore.

4: What was the scariest moment of your life?
Some years ago, I was flying in a four-seater Cessna from California to Florida. Everything was going well, until suddenly the alarm started beeping. I had only heard that sound when we were getting ready to touch-down on landings, but we were still
around 1,500 feet. We ended up making a bumpy emergency landing on some dirt strip. After checking the plane out with the mechanic, it was only a sensor issue. To this day, I love flying.

5: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
This was a question posed to me in second grade. My teacher had us draw a picture of what we wanted to be. While other kids drew themselves as doctors/nurses, policemen, or circus clowns….I drew a picture of myself sitting on a golden throne surrounded by sacks of money. The caption read: I want to be rich!

6: Where are your fans most likely to find you hanging out?
As dull as it might sound, you’ll find me hanging out at the house. I have everything I could want here! Horses to ride, dogs to play with, a full fridge, and plenty of ice for drinks. The beach is minutes away in one direction, the lake in another. What more could I ask for?

7: When’s the last time you played that musical instrument?
Last night. The Hubs suggested we sell the piano since no one plays it anymore. So I jumped on and played everything from Mozart to Stairway to Heaven. I probably won’t play again until it’s brought up. LOL

8: Is there a piece of advice that you have received that has really stuck with you? If so, what was it?
If it’s to be, it’s up to me.

Last but definitely not least, here’s an excerpt from “Portals to Oz” …

Abelia rocked her hips forward. She rode his hand with instinct and a passion so pure that it dragged Jack down into her uninhibited intensity. He grasped hold and tugged the top of her sundress down farther and used a ferocious suction on her nipple that caused her to cry out. His thumb pressed and flicked while his finger slid rhythmically deeper. Jack’s hard won self-control all but disintegrated as he slipped a second finger into her amazingly snug channel.

Her body jolted with a burst as she became overwhelmed with sensation, and he reveled in her responsiveness. Her hands gripped his wrist, desperately holding him to her, and she again cried out from his teasing fingers.

The wood floor lay unforgiving beneath his knees, yet he hardly felt its bite as he slid lower over Abelia’s body. When his eyes were even with her glistening sex, Jack removed his hand and in a quick movement, replaced it with his mouth. He sealed his lips to the lips of her sex, and sweet nectar tantalized his tongue. Craving more, he licked and sucked, stroking her receptive body closer to climax.

“Should I make you come, sweetheart?” His voice echoed in the empty room as a thought occurred to him. “Can I make you come? Are you different from humans that way?”

“Please, Jack.” She gasped, her green eyes glittering like emeralds, filled with need as impatient as his own.

He doubted she was conscious of anything but what her sleek body cried out for, but her eyes were focused on him. He knew she saw him, saw the need within him.

“Please…” she repeated on a moan.

If he didn’t get in her soon, he’d crawl out of his bloody skin. His cock was full, throbbing, ready to explode. Jack leaned up and sat back on his heels, easing the zipper down past the lump.

Abelia’s eyes widened when his engorged cock sprang free of his jeans, then she licked her lips and smiled. A subtle hip rotation coupled with her unconscious pelvic thrust, and he nearly came unglued before they even began.



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14 Replies to “Indie Author Spotlight – Sheri Fredricks”

    1. I do! My lessons started at age 5 and continued until Jr. High. I played publicly until Sr. High, then called it quits. The last time I played for a live audience was eight years ago at church to a packed house (300 people) for the Christmas program. I played while the children’s choir sang. It reminded me why I quit playing publicly. LOL

  1. What a great interview! Sheri, I won’t fly anymore after a bad experience two years ago and I’d never get in a Sessna.Congratulations on all your awards and successes. You’ve overcome the bad publisher experience by leaps and bounds.

    1. Oh Kary! Cessnas are cool planes. My dad was a Baja bush pilot, so I practically grew up in small planes. There were times we landed in remote places and had to dodge cactus and boulders, but the experience of being there – sometimes the first Americans the locals had ever seen – outweighed any of the discomfort. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  2. The only time my Cessna would scream is during a stall Otherwise, it had nothing to say, not even when half the magnetos quit and I could barely make it back to the airport. Nor when it got hit with a strong wind and almost flipped over. It remained silent. I on the other hand…..

    1. You on the other hand did more than squeak and probably had to change your underwear. LOL! Thanks for stopping by Liza!! I recall a time or two of being in bad weather. The time I didn’t wear my seatbelt and the plane dropped about a hundred feet and it glued my face to the ceiling – rollercoasters have nothing on that. LOL!

  3. Excellent interview.
    I’m not a flyer. I prefer my feet on the ground with my head in the clouds.

    Congratulations to you. I’m reading Troll-y Yours right now, and I’m loving it so much. Next is P.O!!!

    1. You and my husband, neither of you like to fly. I was fortunate to have worked for a man who owned a private plane. Next to my writing career, that was my favorite job. He’d fly me to jobsites to take notes (I was his EA), then we’d land someplace, like in Santa Barbara, and have lunch. 🙂 No hanky-panky, either! I’m so glad you like the 2nd book in my Centaur series! Aleksander is very yummy.

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