Book Tour – Children of the Plague by Greg Carrico
I’m happy to be hosting a stop on the tour for Greg Carrico’s “Children of the Plague”
And here’s Greg!
Gregory Carrico is an Best Selling horror and science fiction writer, and HFA Author of the Year 2013 Finalist. He enjoys crafting bad guys that readers will both care about and despise.
When not creating new worlds and plotting their destruction, he advocates for adopting rescue dogs, and politely urges slower drivers to get out of the passing lane.
Follow Greg at his website, his blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Goodreads. And you can sign up for his newsletter right here.
His book is “Children of the Plague”
Blurb: In the darkest corners of lower Manhattan, a battle like no other rages. The city is home to a hidden group of survivors of the nanite plague, and a brother and sister born to defend their race. With a touch that can destroy nanites, Lanni, sister of Alex, is their last chance. Can she save her brother? Can she protect mankind’s only hope? Or will she be responsible for the destruction of the last humans on earth? It’s going to be another long day…
You can buy it at Ganxy, Amazon, B&N, Smashwords and Kobo.
I will have a review of the book up in the next couple of days as well – I’ll include it in a separate post so you won’t miss it!

One Reply to “Book Tour – Children of the Plague by Greg Carrico”
Cheers James! Thanks for having here today. I hope you’re enjoying the story, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts.