Book Launch! “Priceless” by L.A. Ramsey
I always like to feature my fellow indie authors and their books, and today is no exception – L.A.Ramsey has a brand new novel out today, “Priceless.” First thing, here’s Lori…
LA Ramsey enjoys writing about her faith in novels from her home with her husband and six children. Priceless was 19 years in the making. This is her second novel. Her first novel is Sunny Beam – The Holy Lion, a Christian romance, available on Amazon.
Find Lori at: LA Ramsey, Facebook , Pinterest, and Twitter.
Here’s what she’s got to say about her new book…
Why I Wrote Priceless
I wrote this novel wanting to show that not everyone starts on a pristine path to his or her Christian walk. Some people may have unfortunate circumstances that leads them down the dark paths of sin and then choose to turn their back on the One who can redeem them. In Priceless, I show that no matter how dark the night may be, God’s light can find a way.
Have you ever wondered if there was any sin that God’s grace doesn’t cover? Does a person live who has fallen so deeply in the mire of sin that even God’s love and mercy can’t reach? Even when all hope seems lost and you think life is no longer worth living, God’s love shines through…somehow…
He works in mysterious ways, even when we make the conscious choice to deny Him. He wishes for no one to be lost. No one…
Priceless – Love’s True Worth is such a story, a coming of age romance about a young girl faced with almost more than she can handle. Her life leads her to ill choices that lead her down a dark and unworthy path…until she meets him…until he introduces her to the One who can reach down and save her. The question remains, will she accept it? Will she change her ways?
Of what value is a life? For some the cost of companionship is a few dollars while to others the cost is a lifetime of commitment to another. Annequin’s life in Shady Grove begins simply enough, a caricature of the early lives of many young girls who find themselves the victims of circumstance. Loss and a lack of deep caring in her home eventually drive this beautiful young woman away from her difficult home life to another life that she believes will be her way to happiness. As far too many in Annequin’s position discover, the road chosen is sometimes paved with pain and disappointment. With time and the testing of a young heart and soul, the woman from Shady Grove learns the true meaning of love and grace given by others.
You can buy it, right now, for Amazon Kindle, Nook, SmashWords, and soon on Kobo, iTunes, and Sony. Priceless is available on Amazon as a paperback, right now, as well!