Book Blog Barrage, Part 2!
The Virtual Book Tour continues today, courtesy of the wonderful folks at Coffee Beans and Love Scenes! You can read about me at several blogs, all listed below. And there are reviews at two of them!
Ali’s Books reviews Dream Student and gives it three stars. She concludes by saying “I’ll rate this book a solid 3 stars & I’ll definitely follow it up with the next in the series! Definitely not bad for an author’s first work!!”
The World as I See It also reviewed it, and said (I love this!) “I don’t even know how to describe this book to anyone because it is so different and yet it is still one of the best books I have read in a long time.”
I’m also featured today at:
Aspired Writer
Bunny’s Review
Danita Minnis
Love, Laughter, Friendship
Penny For Them…
So go pay them a visit!