“Betty & Howard” – the recording session!
So, today, Nicola Bryant recorded the audiobook version of “Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure”
And here she is, hard at work:
To back up a bit, here’s the story of how I came to ask her to do it…
It started with this video…
I was killing time on YouTube and looking for Doctor Who videos, and I was on a Colin Baker kick, having just got a couple of his stories on DVD. I found the above video, which I loved and that led me to search for more, which led me to this video (an interview with Nicola and Colin at the Visions convention in Chicago; the video says 2009, but it might actually have been earlier than that):
I saw it at the same time that I was trying to imagine which actors and actresses I’d want to cast if movies were ever made of my book series. And I thought, Nicola would be perfect for the mother of the heroine of the books. So when I wrote a short story that starred the mother, naturally, Nicola was the first choice to record it. And there you go!