Author Spotlight – Angela Hayes and “Love’s Battle”
I dlike to welcome author Angela Hayes to the site today. Her book “Love’s Battle” is having it’s one year anniversery this week! But first, here’s Angela:

A married mother of two, I split my time between bringing characters to life by computer, and yarn to life with needle and hook. You can find me at where I help connect readers and the authors they love.
You can follow her at:
And here’s her book!
“If love isn’t worth fighting for, what is?”
Love Howard has more than a knack for matchmaking. Born from a forbidden passion and a twelve-hundred-year-old promise, she and her sisters can literally see true love. And while Love has no problem bringing other couples together, her own romantic life could use a little help.
Danton DeAngelo has always been well grounded in reality. So it throws him for no small loop when the woman he’s fallen for believes that she’s been reincarnated eleven times and can actually see true love.
Now Danton is faced with the biggest decision of his life. Accept Love for who she really is, or walk away from her forever.
You can buy it at:
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All Romance Books
And you can watch the video book trailer at:
Angela has given us an excerpt:
“That was close,” I breathed when we were outside, an entire building between myself and the best man.
“It’s about to get even closer.” Faith smiled, making me instantly wary. I knew what was coming. She’d seen it. They both had.
“What do you mean?” I asked, playing dumb.
“Look at him again, and you tell us,” Hope challenged.
Dutifully I opened the door. Keeping to the shadows, I stepped inside, just enough to get another look at Danton DeAngelo. There he was laughing with his friends, what a beautiful sight. Male perfection bathed in the same powder blue light that all souls gave off when they were destined to be together. Blowing out a breath, I closed the door and faced my sisters.
“He’s blue.”
“He’s not the only one, honey.” Hope smiled, holding out a compact mirror she had pulled from her purse.
Snatching it from her, I peered into the reflecting glass. There was my image, the one I’d spent twenty five years looking at, the one I saw mirrored in the face of my sisters. Except, unlike yesterday, I could now see a telltale blue glow around my face. Faint at first but growing stronger with every second. Closing the compact I could see the glow encompassing my hands. I looked down and around. Like a bad rash, it was all over me.
“I’m blue!” I declared, pointing out the obvious.
“True blue, true love. YOU are the future Mrs.Danton DeAngelo.” Hope gloated taking her compact back.
“Ah damn!” I whined.
And, last but definitely not least, we’ve got a great interview with Angela:
Who is your favorite author?
Oh my gosh, I have to pick one? That’s so hard. I have a good dozen that are always my go-to’s when I need a great read (many of them fellow Wild Rose Press authors). But my ultimate favorite is Nora Roberts. I love her.
How do you describe your writing style?
I’ll have to go with my author tagline- Heart, Soul, and Happily Ever After. Every time I sit down at the computer or pick up a pen to write, I strive to infuse each of these qualities into every book I create.
Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book?
You should read Love’s Battle because it is a wonderfully imaginative piece that will give you the warm and fuzzies and leave you believing in the power of true love.
Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?
There is a good bit about myself in Love, especially her temperament. I’m a very happy go lucky person. Love lives in Maryland, I did for a long time. She goes to an Orioles game, eats crabs, and enjoys bagels for breakfast, all of which I have great memories of doing when I was a teenager. But that’s where the similarities end.
If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?
I would love to jump into Love’s life for a day. Since she’s going on her eleventh life I have plenty to choose from and that makes it hard. Out of those, I’d like to live in her seventh life. That was a fun one to write.
What books have most influenced your life?
Aside from The Bible (southern Baptist right here), I would have to say that Julie Garwood’s, The Bride. It’s my all time favorite book, followed quickly by The Wedding. I have read them each countless times.
If you could select one book that you could rewrite and add your own unique twist on, which book would that be and why?
James, you have excellent questions. I’ve had to put my thinking cap on for all of them. Gosh, it’s a toss-up between Harry Potter and Twilight. Not because they are such ginormous money makers, but because of the huge impact they had from a reading perspective. There were kids, teens, and parents who hadn’t picked up books in years who were devouring them as fast as they could be written and passing that new found love of reading on to the next group/generation. In my opinion there is no bigger compliment that a writer could receive than that.
Beatles or Monkees? Why?
Beatles. I was raised by a huge Beatles fan and some of the songs I heard over and over are imprinted on my memory. And I don’t think I can name one Monkees song aside from the obvious, “Hey, hey, we’re the Monkees…”
Who should play you in a film of your life?
Heaven forbid that should ever happen! No one would watch it! But if I have to choose, I like Kate Hudson, she’s got a great laugh.

2 Replies to “Author Spotlight – Angela Hayes and “Love’s Battle””
Hey James, thanks for having me on today. Those were some great questions and I had a blast answering them.
I was thrilled to have you, Angela!