Month: June 2013

Indie Author Spotlight – Simone Beaudelaire

Indie Author Spotlight – Simone Beaudelaire

I’ve got another great indie author to tell you about this morning.  She’s Simone Beaudelaire, author of “When the Music Ends,”

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You can find Simone on Facebook, Goodreads, and at her website and her blog.

Her latest book is “When the Music Ends” and it’s FREE on Amazon this weekend.  I’m picking it up, and you should, too!

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You can find it right here.

I’ve got a wonderful interview with Simone as well…

How did you start your writing career?

I was an English major in college, and between that and my Master’s degree, I’ve done a ton of academic writing. When it comes to fiction, I’ve been tinkering with a single novel, Beautiful Rose, for the last decade and never really getting anywhere. Then, last Thanksgiving, my writing suddenly took off. I started and couldn’t stop. Now, It’s an obsession.

Where do you dream of traveling to and why?Does travel play in the writing of your books?

I love historic places. My favorite places to travel so far have been France and New Orleans. These trips have been used in my writing, but the books are not released yet. However, a visit to Italy was captured in my Historical Romance, Keeping Katerina

Tell us about your current release. Tell us about your next release.

My current release is probably my favorite thing that I’ve written so far… “When the Music Ends”. It is part one in a series of four, with spin-offs, called The Winter Rose Chronicles. Book 2, “When the Words are Spoken” should be ready for release later this summer. This series is contemporary romance set in the upper Midwest. Readers of this interview… they take place in Minnesota, which is never stated directly, so you have the inside scoop. They tell the story of the Murphy family, mainly a brother and sister, and how each one finds a happy ending in an unexpected way. They are meant to be sexy, joyful, and uplifting.

What does your significant other and family think of your writing career? Does your significant other read your stuff?

Honestly, my family is not that supportive. They wish I wrote something less sexy. But they’ve made peace with it. My husband has read part of one of my novels.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?

Oh yes. My beta reader circle consists of the most talented indie writers you can imagine. I encourage everyone to check them out: Guy Bailey (The Widow Mulvane, The Remains of a Local Girl- romantic mysteries), Sandra Martinez (The Pearl- fantasy), Jill Shannon (False Illusions- Mystery), Reed Hill (Liberty’s Hammer- Political thriller, Deidre Malcom (not yet published, but working on an awesome steampunk novel.) I’m blessed to have their insights, and I’m proud to offer my modest proofreading skills to their amazing endeavors.

How do you describe your writing style?

I write sexy sweet romance. This means that while it’s graphically sexual, I am trying to show healthy, joyous relationships in all their aspects. The characters are supportive, kind, and genuinely want what’s best for each other. They have problems and conflicts, of course, but in general, they are well intentioned people. There is a small amount of strong language in each book, but it is never associated with intimate scenes.

How do you develop your plots and your characters? Do you use any set formula?

In general, my stories are years, even decades, in the making. I moved around a lot as a kid, and I was shy and awkward. So I was bullied mercilessly. I used these stories as an escape from the terrors of junior high. That’s why they mean so much to me. The exception is my current new release, “When the Music Ends.” A chance comment in its sequel, “When the Words are Spoken” got my creative juices flowing. Sean and Erin simply HAD TO have their own story. Now, I’m pleased to say that they do.

Do you have a milestone birthday coming up? If so, how are you approaching it?

I’m turning 35 this month. I’m not sure why never I realized I would get here, but I’m planning to celebrate with an overnight getaway with my husband. The in-laws have offered to take the kids- thanks Ron and Sandie.

Is there a writer you idolize? If so who?

Mary Jo Putney.

Beatles or Monkees? Why?

Monkees. Davy Jones was so darn cute. RIP Davy.

Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?

Yes. Erin in my current release, “When the Music Ends” is me, if my musical dreams had panned out. Except I sing instead of playing the oboe.

Do you have a Website or Blog?

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you.

Simone has another novel available at Amazon as well, Keeping Katerina.  I’ve bought it, you should, too!

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Indie Author Spotlight – Chantal Bellehumeur and “Just Another Common Killer”

Indie Author Spotlight – Chantal Bellehumeur and “Just Another Common Killer”

I’ve got yet another fantastic indie author to tell you about today.  She’s Chantal Bellehumeur.



Here’s what she’s got to say about herself:

I always loved to write but never thought about publishing anything until a friend of mine told me I should.

Before that, I was more interested in acting. I performed in a couple of amateur stage showed and joined a Youth run Theatre Company. I was also an extra in a few commercials, TV shows and movies.

My love for acting soon got replaced with the love for my son. I made him my number one priority. I found it easier to write on my spare time than to work around other people’s schedules to act. I found that I had to use some of my acting training to write since I had to put myself in the shoes of the characters I created.

I write a bit of everything; Horror is more ME, but I wrote a series of soap operas/romance books for female readers as well as a fantasy book for my pre-teen son. I have been receiving a lot of positive feedback and am hoping that others will help me pass the word along about my books, even if I simply write as a hobby.

I started writing short stories for The Suburban Online Magazine.

While I continue to come up with stories, I encourage my son to so some writing of his own since he is full of good ideas and has a big imagination. He reminds me of myself as a child.

I am a single mom and feel very lucky to have my son in my life.

You can follow Chantal at her website, Facebook, GoodreadsAuthorgraph and Twitter.  You can also learn more about her if you keep on reading – I’ve got an interview with her, right after I tell you about her new book…

It’s called: “Just Another Common Killer”

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Under hypnosis, six-year-old Jack Huntington tells his psychiatrist the dark unsolved tale of Jack the Ripper’s 19th century murders. Such details are given, that Dr. Philips begins to believe that his patient might be the Ripper himself in another life. When the boy fails to give him any information that would reveal the identity of the White Chapel killer, Dr. Philips ridicules himself for having thought the impossible.

Years after killing his sisters in a sleepwalking state, Jack is claimed normal and able to re-enter the real world. He is released from the mental institution to start a new life, but slowly starts to act upon his killer instincts and begins to remember events that happened over one hundred years ago.

Jack is ready for new games!

You can buy it at Amazon, (for those readers of the Canadian persuasion) and Amazon UK.  You can also find it at RoseDog Bookstore.  You can find all of Chantal’s other books at all those links as well.

As promised, I’ve got a great interview with Chantal…

Does travel play in the writing of your books?  My best friend gave me a travel journal as a birthday present when I came to visit her in London, England and the notes I took during that trip as well as many others that followed came in very handy for several of my stories.

Do you use a pen name? If so, how did you come up with it?  I thought about using a pen name, but then pride took over.  If I had a pen name though, it would probably be Persephone (Queen of the underworld in Greek Mythology).

How do you develop your plots and your characters? Do you use any set formula? When I get an idea, I write the basics down and form a general outline.  New ideas start to form as I write the story itself.  Sometimes my characters end up surprising me.  Lol  After I write my first drafts I read it over and add new things and start the process over again with the second draft.  This goes on until I am completely satisfied.

What would we find under your bed?  If I told you, I would have to kill you.  Lol Okay.  Fine.  You would find part of my shoe collection. I have three shoe storage units under one side of my bed.  The rest of my shoes are in a closet and shoe rack.   Some are under my desk at the office, and others by my front door.  I love my shoes!  So if anyone tries to take them from me… New York or LA? Why?  At the risk of sounding cheesy, I love NY.  I like going to see Broadways and my past experience seeing a show in the city was a pleasant one.  I have never been to LA so I can’t compare.

Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?  Anywhere in Europe where I could sleep in an old castle; especially if it was claimed to be haunted. 

Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself? Most of my main characters, including Jack, start off as me and then I modify them to fit the story.  Don’t worry, I don’t have any killer instincts, torture people in secret, or have any desire to eat human flesh.  My character is artistic, enjoys the theatre, likes the dark… That part of Jack’s personality is me; not all the disturbing parts.  I may be a little weird at times and a Halloween freak but…

You just won a huge lottery what is the first thing you’ll buyI would buy a small lot, then get started on the design of a house; it would have stone walls like a castle, at least one big fireplace, a large balcony outside of the master bedroom, a secret passage or two, a deck that goes all the way around the house, a backyard were my son could have a clubhouse (perhaps one made of legos)… I can dream can’t I?

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?  Please take the time to rate books and post reviews.

What book are you reading now? Dead Medium, by Peter John.  Peter is one of the many authors I befriended recently.  I told him I would review his book and so far I give his ghost story 5 stars out of 5. 

What hobbies do you actively pursue?  Aside from writing, I like to read and watch movies.  I am a very artistic person so I also like to paint, do crafts, decorate…

What are your favorite TV shows? Dexter, Criminal Minds, Murdock Mysteries, Walking Dead…

What is your favorite meal?  I always loved pasta, steaks, and roasts.  As a child I would not ask for things like, chicken nuggets, hot dogs or KD for dinner; I would ask for my mother’s home made spaghetti sauce or roast beef.  lol     

And, last but certainly not least, here’s an excerpt from Just Another Common Killer.  Enjoy!

Here is the first part of the introduction:

 (London, England-1988)


   Jacqueline Huntington was woken up in the middle of the night by her six year old son’s diabolical laugh. 

   As she walked along the narrow hallway towards his voice, she heard him whispering incomprehensible words and was startled by his sudden echoing shout.

   It was not unusual to find Jack sleepwalking at random hours of the night.  On several occasions, he had silently mutilated his sister’s dolls by either removing parts of their fluffy white stuffing from a tear he had made on the so-called stomachs with the blade of a kitchen knife or cutting off plastic body parts with the same sharp cutlery.  Pretty porcelain girls were smashed and left in dozens of pieces around the old Victorian house. 

   Jack could never remember his psychotic actions in the morning.  All his memory would summon were the names he had chosen for the dolls he broke; Emma, Martha, Polly, Annie, Mary, Miss Farmer, Rose, Miss Jackson, Alice and Lydia. He once pointed towards new dolls and called them Francis and Carrie.  This was right after pointing his left bony index finger at his younger sisters and verbalizing their names, Elizabeth and Catherine, which he had proudly chosen himself on the days of their births. 

   Jack was a very sweet boy when he was awake, so nobody understood why he acted out such horrors in his sleep.  He was not allowed to watch scary shows, including any cartoons that had monsters, ghosts, mummies, zombies, vampires, werewolves or other creepy characters in them.  Books of the same type were not permitted either.  Childish war games that included imaginary weapons were frowned upon and Jack always respected the non-violence rule.  

   When Mrs. Huntington entered her beloved son’s bedroom on the rainy night of September 30th, she saw that he was holding his father’s silver dissection knife in his right hand.  Jack had always given the impression that he was left-handed.  The rest of Dr. Huntington’s old dissection tools were still in the hard metal case beside him. 

   Jack’s three year old sister, Catherine, lay lifeless right in front of him.  Her throat had been cut open, leaving a thin horizontal red line from left to right.  The young girl’s stomach had been sliced open vertically and torn open on each side.  It appeared that some of her internal organs were by her side, in a light pool of blood.

   A piece of the dead girl’s pinkish nightgown was left a few feet away.  On the painted blue wall above the bloody torn fabric, the words “The Juwes are The Men That Will not be Blamed for nothing” were written in powdery white chalk. 

   It took a few seconds for Mrs. Huntington to understand that she was not having a terrible nightmare.  As Jacqueline’s shaking right hand rose towards her mouth to hide the hint of a squeal, Jack’s head slowly turned towards his mother.  “You’re next” , he told her in his sleep. 

   Shortly after Mrs. Huntington’s discovery, her husband came home from his surgical job at the general hospital to find his five-year-old daughter Elizabeth dead on the kitchen floor.

    Her throat had been cut from the right side to the left. Unlike her sister, the rest of her body remained untouched. 

   Although the experienced doctor was used to seeing open wounds and massive quantities of blood on a daily basis, he became sick at the sight of the darkened ceramic tiles and of his precious daughter’s small murdered body.  Her blank staring eyes seemed to tell him that he was too late to save her.  Nothing could bring her back.

   Dr. Huntington discreetly dialled the emergency phone number, 9-9-9, before searching his house for the rest of his family.  He was careful and silent, keeping in mind that the killer might still be inside his home.

   As he walked up the stairs, he saw the moving shadow of a short human being trying to bring down a surgical knife into a taller form.  The tall shape managed to grab her attacker’s wrist before he could hurt her, but could not take away his weapon.  The doctor ran to the scene as fast as he could and was shocked to see his own son trying to wiggle his way out of Mrs. Huntington’s tight grasp.  The boy grunted furiously while his mother remained speechless and in tears. 

   The worst was yet to come.



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Blog Tour – Pamela Foreman and “You’re Right, My Love”

Blog Tour – Pamela Foreman and “You’re Right, My Love”


It’s time for another blog tour, to show off a great novel by a wonderful fellow indie author, Pamela Foreman.

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Pamela Foreman is a wife of seventeen years to her high school sweetheart and the mother of four children. Having grown up in Texas, Pamela currently lives in central Virginia. Pamela received her master’s degree in accounting from Liberty University and is an avid reader. She enjoys sewing, crocheting, knitting and scrapbooking when she is not involved with her children’s activities and spending time with her husband.

Pamela is the author of the Nebraska Holds series, a series surrounding the lives of David Anderson and Annette Miller, middle-aged adults who have both gone through the sudden deaths of their spouses and each have children to continue to raise. The series currently has three books, You’re Right, My Love (December 2011), Not Again, My Love (January 2013) and the third book is Secrets Abound, My Love, will be  published in July 2013.

You can read more about Pamela here, or you can follow her at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pintrest.  Whew, that’s a lot of links – you’ve got no excuse for not keeping up with Pamela!

Now, about her book…

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In a perfect world, David and Annette would never have met. Their spouses would still be alive and well, supporting their families in their endeavors. Their children, seven between the two, would not be spiraling into deep depression with each passing moment.

But their world is not perfect and both must struggle with their spouse’s deaths, raise their children and deal with their new-found relationship with each other. Can David and Annette learn to love each other despite their differences? Can they look into the future instead of the past? Will their own children force them to part?

You can buy the book right here!

And, as a special bonus, I’ve got a great interview with Pamela as well.  Make sure you read all the way to the end, too, for one last surprise…

How did you start your writing career?

Quite honestly, I’ve been writing since I was young. I entered several contests growing up, won many awards, a few were published. I wrote for the yearbook and newspaper in high school and college, but decided to get a business degree in accounting, while minoring in journalism and design. As a graduate student, for fun, I took a creative writing class. Once I did that, there was no turning back!


Tell us about a favorite character from a book.

If I chose a favorite character from any book out there, I would have to say there’s a tie. My favorite book of all time is Charlotte’s Web and I love Fern. There’s such an innocence about her and watching her grow up learning how life really works.

The second would be Travis Thompson, the male main character in Debbie Macomber’s “Morning Comes Softly.” Travis is given his brother’s three children to raise after their death and he has to find a wife and learn to live with four strangers. I love the way he grows as a person, emotionally, spiritually and as a husband and father.


Where do you dream of traveling to and why? 

Europe. I lived in Germany for two years, traveled some while there, but if I could go back, I’d go to every country over there. The landscaping, the way of life, the views, the weather and more.


Does travel play in the writing of your books?

Technically, I should head to Nebraska and actually see what it looks like since my books are set there! I also have characters living in Seattle, but I feel I know what the state of Washington looks like through Debbie Macomber’s books. I have characters living in Texas, but that’s my home state and I know all about that!


Who is your favorite author?

Debbie Macomber is my absolute favorite author! Her work has inspired me and helped me grow as a writer.


When in the day/night do you write? How long per day? 

When I used to work full-time, I would write from about 10pm until one or two in the morning. Now that I am a full-time author, I typically write from 10am to 2pm while the kids are in school.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Figuring out where to go next.


What does your significant other and family think of your writing career?

At first, my husband thought it was a joke. Then all my husband complained about was how much time it took to write something I probably was never going to publish. Now that I’ve published two books, he’s letting me do this as a full-time career.


Does your significant other read your stuff? 

Nope! He doesn’t read any books at all.


What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing your books? 

I learned that writing is harder than it looks! Putting a coherent story together, keeping characters straight and making it sound legitimate. It’s hard!


Who are your books published with?



Do you hear from your readers? What kinds of questions do they ask?

I have several friends who have read my books and they love them. I had one person ask me if I’m from Nebraska and I had to admit I’ve never been there before!


What do you think makes a good story?

Plot line, more description than conversation and good setting


Tell us about your family. 

I’ve been married for seventeen years to my high school sweetheart. We have four children, three daughters and a son.


Do you listen to music while writing? If so what? 

Classical. I open iTunes where I have a playlist of over 200 classical pieces of music, pick a song to start on and I begin writing.


What was the scariest moment of your life?

I sent my husband off to war in 2004. When he called and said this might be the last time I ever spoke to him, it brought this entire war he was fighting in to life.


What books have most influenced your life?

I read J.D. Salinger, George Orwell, Herman Melville, Ayn Rand and the like growing up. Those are definitely the styles I now know I could never write. That’s why I write what I do!


How do you develop your plots and your characters? Do you use any set formula?

No formula, I simply write.


If you were to write a series of novels, what would it be about?

This is a funny question as I am writing a series of novels! This series is all about two families merging together and learning to live as one. The other books branch off and you see other families connect, but you always come back to the main family. I would love one day to write another series about time travel, but that’s in the future.


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

A math teacher. I still do!


What are your favorite TV shows? 

Oh geez! I have a lot! Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, M*A*S*H, Vegas, Elementary, Amazing Race, Top Gear, anything with Gordon Ramsey, Star Trek, The Cosby Show, Wings, and lots more!
What songs are most played on your Ipod?


The song most played on my iPod is “Geronimo” by Audiogroove. The next three are albums: A Prairie Home Companion, Mamma Mia and Love Actually.


What is your favorite meal?

I have two depending on my mood: Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Ranch Style Beans or SEAFOOD of any kind!

What group did you hang out with in high school?

The band, I was an official band nerd.


Do you play any sports?

Softball and basketball


What do you do to unwind and relax?

I like swimming to relax. Sitting at the beach is relaxing to me.


Do you have any suggestions for beginning writers? If so, what are they?

Just put your fingers to the keyboard and go! Don’t give up on your dream!


At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be a writer? 

In elementary school, but to everyone it was considered a fad. You don’t earn money writing books, I was told!

What is it that you like to do when you’re not reading/writing?

Knitting, crocheting, sewing, scrapbooking, playing with my kids, spending time with my hubby


Who should play you in a film of your life? 

Drew Barrymore – that way I know my husband would come and watch it!


Morning Person? Or Night Person? How do you know? 

Nightowl, have been since a child.


Tell us about your favorite restaurant. 

This is hard! But probably Pappadeux’s because it’s seafood!!!


Beatles or Monkees? Why? 

BOTH!! I love them both! Add in the BeeGees and I’m all set!


New York or LA? Why? 

I have to say New York because we are Yankees fans.


Describe what it’s like to be an author in three words. 

Really, really hard


What one word best describes you? 

Patient. That’s what every says of me, that I have the patience of Job.


Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go? 



Do your friends think you are an introvert or an extravert? Why? 

Introvert with a large group of people. Extravert when there’s only two people involved.


Where are your fans most likely to find you hanging out? 

The softball fields or the beach.


Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book? 

I am an honest, hardworking writer, desperate to share a story. My thoughts, my dreams, my feelings are poured into my work, mind, body and soul.


Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself? 

Not really. Some are a combination of what I am and what I wish I was or could have been, but so far, none of them are entirely modeled after myself.


What is something people would be surprised to know about you? 

That I do write a series of books under another pen name which I have never openly told to another soul. It’s the exact opposite of what I write under my own name.


You just won a huge lottery what is the first thing you’ll buy? 

The latest model of the Ford Mustang. I’ve wanted one since I was a senior in high school. Orange in color, black interior.


Do you have a Website or Blog?


What do you find most rewarding about writing? 

That people read my work and like it. A few sales would be nice as well!

Thanks again for visiting! Be sure to leave a comment below to be entered to win a copy of Pamela’s book in either print or electronic form.

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An Interview With Sara Barnes and her best friend

An Interview With Sara Barnes and her best friend

This was actually used for the recent Virtual Book Tour, but I know that not everyone here will have seen it.  I think it’s pretty interesting – it’s a “character interview” with Sara, the heroine of the Dream series, and then an interview with her best friend, Beth.

First, Sara (and remember, Dream Student takes place in the winter of 1989-90; keep that in mind when you read Sara’s answers to some of the questions!)

What songs are most played on your Ipod?

I guess you mean my portable CD player?  I just got one for Christmas, so I’ve only got a few CDs.  I’m really enjoying the new Rolling Stones album, “Steel Wheels.”  But I mostly have to listen to it with my headphones.  My roommate can’t stand them, and it’s not really worth fighting with her about Mick Jagger.

Who should play you in a film? 

A movie about me?  I guess what happened back in January could make a good movie.  It would all be lies – nobody knows what really happened except for me and Beth and Brian.  But that’s not what you asked, right?  I never thought about anything like that before.  Maybe – what do you think of Ally Sheedy?  She’d have to wear green contacts, but she’s about the right size for me.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not as weird as she was in “The Breakfast Club”, but she’s the closest I can think of.

What book are you reading now?
Right now?  The textbook for CHEM329, Chemical Aspects of Living systems.  The final exam is next week, and I need to go over everything again.  Oh – but you mean fiction, right?  I just finished “Fantastic Voyage” by Isaac Asimov.  You know, where they shrink the doctors down inside the little submarine and they go inside the guy’s body to cure him?  Don’t laugh – the book was pretty good.  It’s much better than the old movie version was.

What are you passionate about these days?
Besides finishing up my med school applications?  Brian, my boyfriend.  Before I met him, that’s something I never thought I’d say.  But I love him, more than I imagined I could.  He’s just – well, he’s perfect, that’s all there is to it.  How could I not be passionate about him?

What was the scariest moment of your life?
Honestly?  I know what you expect me to say – being down in that basement with Dr. Walters.  But I was thinking too much to be frightened, if that makes any sense.  I didn’t really have time to be frightened in the moment.  The real scariest moment was a couple of days before my senior prom, when I got appendicitis.  I didn’t know what was going on, and the pain was so bad I thought I was going to die – I wouldn’t have minded dying, just to make it stop, that’s how much it hurt.  And it felt like something was going to burst out of me, like in that scene in “Alien.”

Do your friends think you are an introvert or an extravert? Why?

Introvert, no question.  I definitely am one, too.  I’ve always been kind of shy, and as long as I had books or my chemistry set or something else to study or experiment with, I was happy.  It’s only since I got to college that I’ve come out of my shell at all.  My roommate Beth had a lot to do with that, and of course Brian has pulled me out a lot farther since we’ve been together.

What is the next big thing?

People keep saying it’s the Internet.  My boyfriend thinks so, you should hear him talk about it.  I don’t see it, though.  Are people really going to buy stuff and listen to music and order pizza and everything on a computer?  It seems crazy to me. 

If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?
My mother.  It’s not that we have a bad relationship, but I know she’d like to be a lot closer.  I think the problem is that we’re too much alike, and it’s like magnets – when you stick two positive ends of a magnet together, they repel each other.  At least I still can apologize to her, and appreciate her more.  You know what, I think I’m going to call her right now, if you don’t mind.

Beth Rosewell is her best friend, and also appears in all four (soon to be five) Dream Series books.  This is what she’s got to say…

Thanks for talking to us.

Sure.  I’ve got a few minutes before my next patient comes is.  What do you want to know? 

Let’s start at the beginning.  When did you first meet Sara?

(laughing) God, it was, what is it now, almost fourteen years ago?  It was the middle of the summer, and I get this phone call.  Some girl who’s going to be my roommate.  She called the housing office to find out, before they even sent the letters out.  She had a whole list of what she was bringing.  She wanted to plan everything out so our dorm room would be organized.  I thought she was crazy.

What did you think when you saw her in person?

I still thought she was crazy.  And uptight.  And annoying as hell.  And boring, too.

So you weren’t friends right away?

No.  She drove me nuts, and – I guarantee you she’ll never admit it – I know I did the same to her. 

What happened to change that?

Unlike Sara, I had a social life right from the start.  And a love life.  Unfortunately, one night, I wasn’t as careful as I should have been, and three weeks after that, I was afraid I might be pregnant.  I’d never had a scare before, and I kind of freaked out.  Seeing me frightened like that touched Sara.  No matter what she thought of me, she couldn’t stand to see how upset and worried I was.  She took charge.  She went into the drugstore and bought the test for me, and she stood next to me, holding my hand the whole time, while I took it.  How could we not be friends after that?

Did Sara loosen up after that?

Very slowly.  She trusted me more afterwards, and she let me drag her out to parties at least occasionally.  And when she finally got a boyfriend, that spring, she asked my advice about pretty much everything.  By the time our freshman year ended, she was able to let her hair down and have fun on her own, at least once in a while.

What did you think when her dreams started?

I was completely freaked out; anyone would be.  But she was my best friend, and I did my best to just be supportive.  She did so much for me, it was the least I could do for her.

What was your first impression of Brian?

It wasn’t much.  He was a freshman, he looked so young.  He was very nervous – not just his words, but his body language.  It was so obvious.  I had no idea what Sara saw in him.  But I was wrong.  I don’t think I’ve ever been wronger about anyone in my life.  He stepped up for her, right from the start, and those nerves – gone. 

Were you jealous about him?

Absolutely!  I can admit it.  I tried not to show it and just be happy for Sara, but I know she saw it.  To tell you the truth – and this is something else she’ll never admit – I think she enjoyed it a little bit.

As a psychologist, what do you think about Sara’s dreams?  Why does she have them?

Because deep down, her most basic impulse is to help people.  That’s who she is, when you peel everything else away.  I can’t even pretend to understand how it works physically, why she can see dreams and other people can’t, but I know it’s her subconscious desire to take care of people that makes her see the particular dreams she does.  She always sees dreams that lead her to a problem she can solve.  That isn’t a coincidence.

I see your next patient is waiting outside.  Thank you for taking the time to talk with us.

Anytime!  Next time, you could ask a little more about me.  My life isn’t exactly boring, you know!

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Featured Indie Author – W.H. Cann and “Path to Vengeance”

Featured Indie Author – W.H. Cann and “Path to Vengeance”

I’ve got another great indie author to introduce to you today.  It’s W.H. Cann, author of “Path to Vengeance”.  First things first, I’ll let him tell you a little about himself:


My passion for reading started from a very young age, but my interest in fantasy and science fiction started when I was a ten and my father gave me some Conan books by Robert E. Howard and the series Thongor of Lemuria by Lin Carter, and of course the arrival of Star Wars. I have loved reading ever since. Fantasy is still my favourite genre followed closely by science fiction, but my tastes include adventure, military history both fiction and non-fiction (pre 1850′s), plus a variety of others.

My foray into writing did not begin until after I suffered a back injury in 1998, and decided to have a go at writing a story to pass the time away, needless to say I became hooked and the story turned into full length novels. I continued writing when I returned to work, spending a little time each evening. I took a few years break while I immersed myself in genealogy, but finally picked up the pen (and returned to the PC) and resumed my writing in spring 2011.

I am married with two children, both having now left home, my daughter with a family of her own living in Pembrokeshire, my son living and working in Cardiff. I also have two beautiful grandchildren. I was born in Cardiff have served in the RAF as an aircraft engineer am now employed as a finance officer in local government. I live in Pembrokeshire, West Wales.

You can follow W.H. at his website, on Smashwords, on Twitter and on Goodreads.

He’s actually got a trilogy, of which “Path to Vengeance” is just the first book…

Book 1 Path to Vengeance - Cover 11 (1000x1600)


When his brother, father and fiancée are killed by Krelathan raiders, Grogaan’s life is ripped apart, causing grief, anger and rage. He vows his revenge and sets about on his ‘path to vengeance’ by purchasing and upgrading four starfighters for him and his friends.

As a result of his intense emotional trauma brought on by his losses, he experiences troubling and disturbing dreams, leading to bouts of severe depression.

Feeling guilty over the loss of his loved ones, especially his fiancée, Grogaan avoids romantic involvement until Joeen, his brother’s former fiancée re-enters his life, causing him more emotional turmoil. This is further compounded by an unexpected encounter with Ellarna, a Senator’s daughter, who he is besotted with.

A chance meeting with members of a long forgotten sect, ‘The Brotherhood of the Teragon Eagle’, on a nearby planet, together with information revealed to him by his mother, prove Grogaan’s unique abilities are due to his family heritage; an ancestor having been a respected wizard and a member of the Guardian Order.

Grogaan and his friends prove their piloting skills and spearhead the counter offensive against the Krelathan raiders. However, it’s his abilities enhanced by his gift of magic that take him and his friends on a path that impacts on the future of the galaxy as foretold by a two hundred year old prophecy; a path he begins to tread while developing a powerful relationship with one of the two women.

You can find “Path to Vengeance” at Amazon (print and Kindle), CreateSpace, Amazon UK (print and Kindle), Smashwords, Kobo, Diesel and in Nook format.

Book 2 Sorcerers Duel - Cover 10 (1000x1600)

You can also find book #2 in the trilogy, “Sorcerer’s Duel” at Amazon (print and Kindle), CreateSpace, Amazon UK (print and Kindle), SmashwordsKoboDiesel and in Nook format.

Book 3 A Guardian Reborn - Cover 09 (1000x1600)

Finally, the concluding book “A Guardian Reborn” is available electronically only right now, at Amazon, Amazon UKSmashwordsKoboDiesel and in Nook format.

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My promotion yesterday seems to have worked.  170 copies of Dream Student were sold, and I climbed into the bestseller lists in three separate categories on Kindle:

Pretty cool, yes?  If you haven’t downloaded the book yet, why not take a chance on it today?  It’s still just NINETY NINE cents!  You can go straight to Amazon and download it right now.  I think you’ll really enjoy it!

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Monday Morning

Monday Morning

It’s a rainy, dark Monday morning.  But I’m hopeful – I’ve got a big promotion going for Dream Student (which is still on sale for $0.99, so hop on over to Amazon and download it if you haven’t already!).  I’ve fgot my fingers crossed that I’ll see some big sales today.

The audiobook is also in production, which I’m very excited about.  You can listen to the first few minutes of chapter one right here.

And in non-writing news, I ought to mention the last couple of movies I saw.  I mostly enjoyed Star Trek: Into Darkness”, but (even more so than the previous J.J. Abrams Trek movie) it kind of falls apart when you think about it even a little bit.  It looks pretty, and the cast does a fantastic job, but the writing…oh, the writing.  I don’t want to spoil anything, so I can’t go into my complaints in detail.

I also saw “Iron Man 3”, which I also enjoyed, and which held together a little bit better upon reflection.  It’s definitely worth seeing.

Next up – probably “Man of Steel”, although I have reservations about it.  I seem to be getting picker and more crotchety as time goes on.  It won’t be long before I’m in full “Get off my lawn!” mode!

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Radio Tonight!

Radio Tonight!

Be sure to tune in tonight on your internet radio.  I’ll be on at 8:45 PM on he Author’s Corner with Elaine Reco Chase.  But the show actually runs from 8 PM, and there will be other great authors you can hear about, so you ought to tune in early!

Also, check out the weekly Virtual Book Fair, starting tomorrow at 9 AM.  As usual, I’ll be there, along with dozens of other great indie writers!


I’ve got an update on Book #5, too.  The prologue and chapters 1-6, and also 8-9 are written.  Chapter 7 is close to halfway done, and I’ve also started writing a bit of the ending, Chapter 16.  I’m still unsure whether the ending I have in mind really fits.  This will sound silly (or strange), but I don’t think readers will have any problem with it – it’s Sara who’s got objections.  She really does have a mind of her own…

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Indie Author Profile – Jessica Keefe

Indie Author Profile – Jessica Keefe

I’ve got another great indie author for you.  Her book won’t be published until December, but she wants to get the word out starting now, and I think you’ll like getting to know her.  Her name is Jessica Keefe.



You can follow Jessica on her website, on Facebook and on Goodreads.  And I’ve got an interview with her…please read on!

When in the day/night do you write? How long per day?

I call myself the nap time novelist because all of my writing is done when my 18 month old is asleep. I can usually get an hour and a half in during nap time, sometimes a little more, and two or three hours in at night.


What does your family think of your writing career?

My family is extremely supportive. My mom shares my excerpts with her friends and always says how proud of me she is. She’s the inspiration behind the two moms mentioned in my novel. She’s such a strong and wonderful role model and I am proud to be her daughter. It would have been a great disservice to her love for me if I didn’t take her best qualities and instill them in the mothers of my own creation.

What songs are most played on your Ipod?

The Band Perry’s Better Dig Two. Florida Georgia Line’s Cruise. Tim McGraw’s One Of Those Nights. Reba’s What Do You Say. I listen to a lot of different genres, but my heart will always belong to country music.

Do you have any suggestions for beginning writers? If so, what are they?

Read. Always be reading. I have grown as a writer because of the books I have read and been inspired by. I have grown as a person through the characters I met and the things they taught me. I believe that a good book is like a good man: charming, loving, and can sweep you off your feet. Never forget to read.

Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?

Sicily! With roots in the Sicilian heritage, it would be amazing to see the beautiful island for myself. I’ve always wanted to write a book about the Cosa Nostra ever since reading The Godfather. I don’t think I could ever do the history justice the way Mario Puzo’s fictional account did, but I would take a shot at it for a glimpse of the Sicilian islands.
(James here – this is very cool; I’ve got Sicilian roots, too, through my paternal grandmother!)


Is there one passage in your book that you feel gets to the heart of your book and would encourage people to read it? If so, can you share it?

I don’t think there’s any one passage that gets to the heart of The Deceiver, but there are many solo passages throughout the chapters that give insight to the soul. One of my favorites comes from the blurb written for my novel’s Facebook page.

“Emotions make things complicated, but swallowing a pill is easy. Being numb, dulling the extremes, programming you to be the perfect citizen; that is what the Triad Of Colors is for. We make things easy for you. We do the work for you. We think for you. We are the Officials. Here’s some water: swallow fast.”

Be sure to keep tabs on Jessica as the calendar pages turn and her publication date approaches – and I’ll keep you reminded as well!


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