Year in Review
The end of the year is a natural time to take stock of things, and while there have been some very difficult times in this past year, both personally and professionally, things are ending on a higher note.
Specifically with the Dream Series, I’m very happy with how things are looking. December has been the best sales month ever (thanks largely to a Bookbub promotion), and I imagine that some of you reading this are here because of that. I hope you’ll stick around!
I published two new books this year, and had DREAM FAMILY and WAKING DREAM released on Audible audiobooks, to join the first three books, as well as Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure, which were already on audiobook from 2013. I also released a mini box set of the first three books, which is available both as an ebook and an audiobook.
As of this moment, I’ve had 2,604 sales of the books across the whole series and all formats in 2014, and 48.476 downloads of DREAM STUDENT, which has been free on Kindle (and elsewhere) since August. Just in December, I’ve had 743 sales and over 26,000 downloads of DREAM STUDENT. So I’m excited about the series really taking off as people read the first book and hopefully move on to the rest of the books.
Speaking of that, I’m working on book #9 in the Dream Series right now. It’s about a quarter of the way finished. Progress has been slow for the last month, because we’ve had a lot going on in our family. But starting next week I hope to get back to making regular progress. I had hoped to have the book out on March 31st, but I think it might slip until the end of April. There’s probably one more Dream Series book after that one, which I’d like to have out by the end of October, and I’ve got a couple of other things I’m hoping to get working on as well.
To keep up with all my news in 2015, just keep checking here, or you can also sign up for my mailing list by filling in the very easy form on the right side of this page.
Anyway, I hope you had a good year this year, and I hope you have a great one in 2015! And THANK YOU for visiting here!