Welcome Wednesday – Your Favorite Book
Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Wednesdays! I hope y’all are finding new authors to read, and new readers for your books with these weekly questions.
Today we’re not talking about your own books. Instead, I’m asking you to tell us in the comments about your favorite book written by someone else. When did you first discover it? Why do you love it? And after you’ve told us that, tell us a little about yourself and one of your books (with a link so we can learn more about it!)
I’ll begin! My favorite book ever is Mark Helprin’s WINTER’S TALE. It’s also the best book I’ve ever read (favorite and best don’t necessarily have to be the same thing, of course!). The use of language is just so beautiful, and the book hit my exact sweet spot of fantastical mixed with the real. It helps, of course, that the book is also a 700 page love letter to New York City and that I’m a native New Yorker! I actually have a long-running dissection of the book, which you can follow right here (I still have to do the last three chapters).
As for my own books, just noodle around this site and you’ll learn all about them…
And now it’s your turn!
(when you’re done here, please stop by Exquisite Quills, where there are daily memes just like this one and plenty of fantastic authors you can discover!)

6 Replies to “Welcome Wednesday – Your Favorite Book”
I hate to sound boring, but my favorite book is still Pride & Prejudice. Why? Because I can pick it up, reread it and enjoy it all over again, time after time after time. It’s one book where the story and the writing are of the highest quality.
I must say, though, that I have a favorite indie author, V. L. Locey, who write hockey romance. And I can do the same thing with any of her Wildcat series books. She”s starting a new series about a woman’s team and I gobbled up the first book. I’m putting it on my list to reread, too. Love her writing.
My favorite book ever is Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It is the first full length book I ever read. My mom gave it to me when I was nine or ten. It was the first time I really got sucked into a book and a character came to life for me (you never forget your first 😉 ). It was also so well written that I have reread it many times throughout the years. L.M. Montgomery was an amazing author! I’ve read and enjoyed everything she ever wrote. It also helps that she was a Canadian writer like me 🙂
I live in Toronto and write Sweet Regency Romances. My latest novella is available from most retailers. Here’s an Amazon link http://amzn.to/1JomcGT
~ Happy Reading ~
Unfair question! I ended up with a Ph.D. in literature in part because I love, love, LOVE books. But the one that prompted me to write my first novel was Sunshine by Robin McKinley. I re-read this book every year or two—I just finished the latest re-reading in September. McKinley does a beautiful job of setting up a world that is almost, but not exactly, like our own. The eponymous protagonist almost seems to ramble sometimes, but the voice is perfectly her own and the things she reveals about herself are beautifully woven back into the plot. Also, the vampires are creepy as all get-out!
Reading Sunshine inspired me to write Legally Undead—also a vampire novel, but very different from McKinley’s…except that for the most part, the vampires aren’t the good guys in mine, either.
Legally Undead
A reluctant vampire hunter, stalking New York City as only a scorned bride can.
Elle Dupree has her life all figured out: first a wedding, then her Ph.D., then swank faculty parties where she’ll serve wine and cheese and introduce people to her husband the lawyer.
But those plans disintegrate when she walks in on a vampire draining the blood from her fiancé Greg. Horrified, she screams and runs–not away from the vampire, but toward it, brandishing a wooden letter opener.
As she slams the improvised stake into the vampire’s heart, a team of black-clad men bursts into the apartment. Turning around to face them, Elle discovers that Greg’s body is gone—and her perfect life falls apart.
World Weaver Press
Margo Bond Collins’ Amazon Page
My favorite book is always the one I’m currently reading. Sort of like “Love the one you’re near.” Right now I’m near Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham.
The hero Sebastian Rudd reminds me somewhat of Michael Connelly’s Lincoln Lawyer because he works out of his bulletproof van. The Lincoln Lawyer of course works out of his Lincoln. Rudd may be even more wild and unfettered by convention and this time he’s taken a case that could get him killed. The town has already convicted his client in their minds as a pedophile and they’d like to convict his attorney too. Preferably with a permanent – as in dead – dismissal. But Rudd knows somehow that his client is a scapegoat and innocent.
I admit that I love lawyer thrillers because I wanted to be a lawyer myself but life intervened. We’ll see if I enjoy this Grisham title as much as I have some of his others. As for my devotion to the stories of Michael Connelly – you’d best not get me started.
I write Romantic Suspense as Alice Orr. My latest novel is A Year of Summer Shadows – Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Book 2. You will find it among my other stories at
Another Robin McKinley fan here. Her novel, “The Hero and the Crown,” cemented my desire to be an author when I was twelve. I’ve read almost all of her works (she’s one of the few authors I re-read) and especially love her fairy tale retellings. Just yesterday, I noticed my new release below her novel “Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast” on one of the Amazon listings. I had to get a screen capture of that–it was so surreal! The first novel in my series was inspired by The Twelve Dancing Princesses, a lesser-known fairy tale, and the others will be re-imaginings of various fairy tales and other literature. You can find “The Firethorn Crown” on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1XzbJT4
I have had many favorite books over the years, but the one I have come back to over the past decade is Harry Potter(the whole series, really). Odd that a woman my age would love it so, but Harry Potter handles quite a bit about death and moving on from the loss of loved ones, and I lost parents and other loved ones in this decade. Plus being action filled and fun, it smoothed out the poignant passages.
Since Halloween is upon us I decided to put a vampire romance novella to free for the holiday. Single Mom, Vampire Lover –Why shouldn’t the staid, responsible single mom end up with the hot vampire?