Welcome Wednesday – Something New
Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Wednesdays! And Happy New Year, too!
With a new year coming up, it’s a great time to look ahead to new books. So what I want all you authors to do is give us something nobody else has seen. Show us a sneak preview, a paragraph or two or three from a work-in-progress. And tell us a little about this new work that we’ll all want to buy the moment it’s published!
When you share, be sure to give us a link to your website or to your Amazon Author Page or your Facebook page (or all of the above) so we can find out more about you!
I’ll begin…this is from my next book, tentatively titles “Queen of the Idiots”. It’s a romantic adventure tale starring Jane, an archaeology student in England who’s delivering her professor’s new Land Rover to him in Spain, when she gets mixed up in the theft of priceless ancient artifacts…
Jane signed as she was instructed. “Here you go,” she said, handing the clipboard back. The man reviewed her initials and signatures and nodded. He pulled off the bottom sheet from the clipboard and handed it back to Jane.
“That’s your acknowledgement.” He led her over to the car –the larger one, of course. “You agree it’s the correct model? Land Rover Discovery, Series I, five doors, chromatic blue exterior, sand interior?”
Professor Welldon hadn’t actually told her any of that. He said it was a Land Rover; that was it. Jane just had to assume that he had actually ordered the five-door model in chromatic blue; if he hadn’t, he was going to be in for a surprise on Thursday morning! “Yes, sir,” Jane answered.
The man handed her a keyring. “Enjoy your vehicle, miss,” he said, turning to leave with his fellow. They piled into the smaller car, and were gone a moment later. Jane was left behind with this insanely large vehicle that she really didn’t know how to drive.
The hour of practice Jane had had Saturday in Melanie’s brother’s Jaguar had done nothing for her confidence in her ability to drive a stick. The poor man was in tears by the end of the session, thanks to the unnatural sounds that Jane had coaxed out of the transmission in her attempts to master the art of shifting gears. Afterwards, Melanie had laughed at her brother’s reaction, “That was quite an accomplishment, Jane. You should be proud of yourself. No Harrington man has cried in public for a hundred and thirty years, but a few laps around the car park and you drove him to it.” Melanie’s comment did nothing to reassure Jane.
Staring at the pristine Land Rover, fresh off the lot, Jane folded the form she’d been given and stuffed it in her pocket. She guessed that the cost of the vehicle was noted there somewhere, and she had absolutely no desire to know what it was.
And here’s an artist’s rendering of Jane…
And now it’s your turn!
(when you’re done here, please stop by Exquisite Quills, where there are daily memes just like this one and plenty of fantastic authors you can discover!)

6 Replies to “Welcome Wednesday – Something New”
Since it is getting close to the new year I have started a new project. A Historical Romance Novel called Prince Anwar’s Affliction. It is about a man from India who comes to England through The East India Trading Company. He finds himself in love with Carissa, she is a prominent lady of society in 1723 England. When she meets Anwar she falls madly in love with the exotic man. However, when he starts to have a temper with her she is unsure of his love for her. How can Anwar tell her he is suffering from a head ailment which he does not know where it comes from. The story continues as the couple go through trials and tribulations. Adventure abounds as they seek a cure for Anwar’s Affliction. I hope to have this book done by February. Time will tell. Please visit my blog: http://www.authormigrainecentral.blogspot.com and my website: http://www.crystalmilesgauthier.com
The Owl Branch is a promotional site for authors. Come check it out! http://theowlbranch2015.wix.com/books-seller
I decided to start 2016 off with a free promo of ‘Caught in a Dream’, which seems to reflect my present life situation very well. It is a SF/Fantasy Romance that is very different from my usual. I wrote it many years ago and its theme is loosely metaphysical in that it encourages the reader to question what they consider is real. But it is done in an adventure story format and the writing style changes with each new scenario the characters in the VR World enters. I didn’t realise I did that while I was writing it.
It was fascinating trying to explain to the heroine that what she is experiencing isn’t real from the paradigm of the spiritual perspectives of each era she enters. I had to do a lot of research for it, and when it was done I put it away for a few years. I finally published it and it has been read by fans of my other books, and has had a luke-warm reception from them. But somehow it feels like 2016 will be its year. (If I can get You Tube to remove the ban on the trailer. Seriously, they banned it as inappropriate for the community but didn’t say why. I have asked for clarification. But it is interesting in light of the whole concept of life is a living dream. What does being censored say about my subconscious?)
If you’re interested, it’s free from Jan 1-5 here : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D9SNML4
Happy New Year, everyone! James, I love the illustration of Jane and identify with her trouble with the stick shift…which is still the car of choice in Europe, and when we rent cars, I’m struggling to call up muscle memory to drive them. For 2016, I’ll polish up a book about a golfer I wrote years ago, called BAD LIES…suspense in Italy. My tentative title for book #2 is CEZANNE’S GHOST, a suspense set in California and France; main characters are a tour guide (the hero) and an FBI agent (the heroine). Meanwhile, I’m still letting the world know about FAINT, which I released last month.
Find me at http:///rolynnanderson.com and FAINT here:
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B0180LJBRI
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/592110
May 2016 bring you joy! Rolynn
Thanks, James, and happy new year to you and your readers!
Here’s a short passage from my WIP, the third in my Twin-Bred series. Jak-rad, a Tofa raised among humans and therefore familiar with such human basics as having two parents, has been reviewing a list of those invited to his child Lan-sol’s birthday party.
The other omission popped back into Jak-rad’s mind, as it had done so frequently in recent months. Jak-rad had carried Lan-sol, built Lan-sol’s body from his own, protected him from assault, birthed him and raised him—but he had not created him without assistance. Somewhere must be the other Tofa, the one whose spore Jak-rad had breathed at just the right time. To that Tofa, whoever and wherever he might be, Jak-rad owed more than he could ever repay.
Any of several members of Jak-rad’s research team could no doubt find a way to provide the answer. The spore protection project had reached a stage where none of the scientists involved needed to devote their full time or energies to it. He was sure he could find a willing volunteer.
But as much as the revolution had altered Tofa society, Tofa still resisted disruptive ideas at least as much as humans would. What would it mean to the Tofa if every child were seen as having two parents? What obligations might follow the revelation of spore parent identity? Would assumptions as to custody and control be questioned and contested? And Tofa society retained some degree of social stratification. How would a higher-status individual react to learning of a child whose carry parent had a humbler station?
Jak-rad was far from sure that he wished to be the center of political upheaval once again, after so many relatively quiet years.
Book 1 of the series is permafree on Amazon and elsewhere.
Amazon for Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Twin-Bred-Karen-Wyle-ebook/dp/B005VDVHQ2/
Nook Store: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/twin-bred-karen-wyle/1106674642?ean=2940044498204
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/twin-bred
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Karen_A_Wyle_Twin_Bred?id=wTqhBQAAQBAJ&hl=en
The second book, Reach: a Twin-Bred novel, is available from Amazon, Kobo and the Nook Store for $2.99.
Since classes are on break right now, I’ve just had the chance to get started with book 5 in the Marked by the Vampire series. I’m also working on a group project with some other paranormal authors that is slated for next year. This is in addition to getting my kids and myself organized for the next half of the school year. The best part of this time of year by far, though is having extra time off to spend with family 🙂
You can get the first book in my Marked series for Free in any format on smash words at smashwords.com/books/view/579721 or you can get all four books from amazon for 2.99 at http://www.amazon.com/Bound-Love-Eternal-Vampire-Romance-ebook/dp/B015RPTFN0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1451504085&sr=8-1&keywords=bound+by+love+eternal+a.+n.+meade
My Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7498767.A_N_Meade
I hope you had an amazing year, and that 2016 will be even better!
Great submissions this week! I love seeing everyone’s new projects.
I’m working on the next book in my Light Series, due out this spring. If you enjoy this sneak peek, you can start the adventure for FREE with book 1, A Light in the Darkness. It’s available nearly everywhere ebooks are sold. Here’s the Amazon link: http://amzn.com/B00K6P3J5M
Excerpt from City of Light by Heather Sutherlin (Coming in 2016)
The leader of the militia came to stand beside the boy. “Are you ready to be tested by the light?”
“I am,” she replied with a steady nod.
His eyes narrowed. “If you run, your men will be shot. Do you understand?”
She nodded again.
He frowned. Then, reached for the lantern door and flicked open the latch.
She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t what happened next. The light within the lantern burst from its prison and flew up into the air above them. Then, it condensed into a tiny ball not much bigger than a firefly. The ball of blue light spun in circles over Merri’s head and then spiraled downward, encircling her from head to toe.
The rest of the world faded away until there was only the bright orange of the burning torches and the brilliant blue of the lamplight. Her heart raced as the sound of the torches flickering filled her ears. They seemed to match her own breathing, as the light spun around her. She heard a whisper, a tiny voice, and she turned her head, but there was only the growing blue light enveloping her like a cloud.
Her mind filled with a sense of knowing. She knew and the light knew, too. Merri smiled and if it was possible, she felt the light reflect the gesture. Then, it poured down over her, like warm rain, and she gasped as the light filled her. She felt it there within her as her chest tightened with the force of it. It flowed down through her legs and into her feet, straight into the ground until she felt connected to the very earth. And still it poured in, filling up her throat, her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes until it felt her head would explode with the pressure. And yet, she felt like she would never want to let it go from her. She knew the light, could sense its thoughts. She looked out over the men standing in front her, the forest behind, the village hidden in the forest beyond. She could see it all and with a clarity that no human eyes could ever know.