Welcome Wednesday – Famous Last Words

Welcome Wednesday – Famous Last Words

Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Wednesdays!

Last week, we asked you to share an opening line from one of your books.  So it only makes sense that today’s question jumps to the end – give us the closing line form one of your books…

And be sure to leave a link to your book so we can read more about it, too!

I’ll begin…

I’ll tell you all about the trip when I get home, but if you hear anything about it from anyone else before that (Tishy’s grandfather, Professor Welldon, anybody from Interpol) do not believe a word they tell you.  Please?  Because whatever they tell you, it didn’t happen like that.  At all.

That’s the first line of LOSERS WEEPERS, book #2 of the Jane Barnaby Adventures…

Losers Weepers Cover (Full Size)

Now it’s your turn!

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5 Replies to “Welcome Wednesday – Famous Last Words”

  1. From Love, Peace & Joy: 3 Short Stories

    Noelle danced as she dialed her mother’s number. “Hey Mama, guess who’s coming to dinner? Yes, ma’am. Ms. Joyeaux and her guest. Don’t forget the mistletoe now. You know the hot spots.

    By the way, Darryl’s going to be in town for the holidays so he’s joining us, too. Joyeaux thought she was running this show, but Mama we did it! Joyeaux and Noelle will be sitting side by side at the Twinkle Christmas table.

    “Joyeaux Noel Mama! Love you too.”


  2. From Swim Season

    “What’s the plan?” he asked as we stepped out into the cold December night. “You know, Dad, I have a new plan. I’ll tell you all about it on the way home.”


    It no longer mattered to him that his uniform might get rumpled, or even soiled. It was no longer his sole identification. He was a teacher and mentor now. And soon, he would be a husband and a father to Nick. If he was nervous at all, it was about these last two new roles. But at the moment, with Holly in his arms, he wasn’t thinking about any of that…


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