Welcome Wednesday – Beach Reading
Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Wednesdays!
This Monday marked the first day of summer, and what’s one thing that most of us think of during the summer? Going to the beach! And what do we do at the beach, besides get sand in inconvenient places and sunburn ourselves? Read!
This week, our theme is “beach reading.” I’m leaving it open to all you authors to interpret that however you like. Tell us about your favorite book that’s a great beach read; tell us why one of YOUR books makes a perfect beach read; give us an excerpt from one of your books that features a scene set at the beach – anything you can think of that fits the beach theme.
Whatever you do, please be sure to leave us a link so we can learn more about you and your books!
I’ll begin…
Here’s an excerpt from BETTY & HOWARD’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE. That story follows the parents of Sara, heroine of the Dream Series, on a European vacation. And here, they’re taking a little walk down to the beach…
After our lecture, we had time to ourselves until dinner. We walked down a long, rocky path to a tiny beach, along with Claudia and Megan. I just wanted to see the beach, and Howard was humoring me, but once we got down there, Megan took off her jeans and sweatshirt to reveal a bathing suit underneath, and she went straight in the water.
I’m shivering in sympathy as I write this. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was out, but it was still only sixty degrees or so. So the water couldn’t have been any warmer than that. The girl just went right in, as though swimming in frigid water with God knows what sort of sea creatures lurking under the surface was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
And then Claudia took off her jeans and her sweatshirt. I honestly wasn’t angry at Howard, not even in the moment, not even for a second, when his eyes almost popped out of his head. Because mine did, too.
I just hope the Devil gave her a good deal when she sold her soul for her looks. Not that I’m jealous. Not one tiny bit. If I were her age, though? And single? I think I’d have to kill her. And that would be a shame, because she’s so sweet, and polite, too. There’s literally nothing wrong with her. No flaws at all, physical or mental or emotional.
If I had to compete with her, I’d definitely have to kill her!
(it’s also a FANTASTIC audiobook narrated by the wonderful Nicola Bryant of “Doctor Who” fame)
Now it’s your turn!

4 Replies to “Welcome Wednesday – Beach Reading”
From my new release A TAMING SEASON, the perfect beach read!
Amazon Author Page
“After slathering SPF 50 head to toe over her pale skin, Zoe stretched out on the lounge chair. Digging her floppy sunhat and paperback out of her beach bag, she prepared to continue Operation Reboot.
She was totally swept away into the story when a dark shadow dimmed her page. A pair of bare feet had appeared in the sand right beside her chair. Male feet.
Zoe tipped her head up and folded back the brim of her hat. The glare of the midday sun turned the tall figure towering over her into a dark silhouette. Jason’s voice rumbled low, washing down over her like a warm wave.
“Enjoying the amenities, I see,” he said. Zoe could hear the laughter in his voice.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she shot back. She scrambled for her cover-up, feeling suddenly very exposed.
Why, oh why did she let Medina talk her into a bikini? She should have stayed with her safe, cute tank suit.
“Oh, don’t do that. I was quite enjoying the view.”
How could a man’s voice—his voice—do that? Without his laying a finger on her, Zoe felt as though she’d been caressed. The oddity was that the sensation didn’t turn her stomach. It didn’t scare her. The sound of Jason’s voice was almost hypnotic.”
From my debut novel Beauty and the Recluse – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B019IUUK4I
The cliffs curled around the beach, jutting out into the sea to form a relatively small and secluded cove only accessible by boat or the rather terrifying descent down the cliff path. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, moist air tasting of salt and seaweed, as seagulls cried frantically overhead.
“Off you go then”. She shooed him away towards the cliffs at the edge of the beach, where they reached out into the sea, and which were pock-marked with numerous caves begging to be explored.
Kiya watched him for a moment as he set out across the sand, then turned to walk to the opposite end where a rocky outcrop gave an excellent vantage point for the whole beach. Settling herself on one of the larger rocks, she pulled out her sketch pad and pencils but made no move to begin drawing.
She surveyed the scene before her. It felt so familiar; as a child she had often played on this beach with her parents. She remembered the large complicated sand castles she had built with her mother, complete with a moat that drew up water from a long, long trench that ran down to the sea.
She smiled despite the tears that filled her eyes at the memory of those happy sun-filled days.
Since I am in the middle of a series of mermen books I am spoiled for choice with beach scenes. This is a short snippet from Forbidden Waters, the first of my Mermen & Magic books.
Thanks for the opportunity to share my stories here today.
Treacle barked from along the beach and Jake realised his dog had wandered a little too far for his liking. He gave a shrill whistle that the animal completely ignored. He stood up and brushed the sand from his jeans.
“Treacle, come here,” he called. Treacle continued to ignore him and carried on running through the surf.
“Why do you call him Treacle when he’s white with black patches?” Alex asked as they headed towards the mischievous animal.
“Because when I found him, he was licking out a tin of Golden Syrup he’d found in a rubbish bin. He eats pretty much anything.”
“A dog after my own heart. It looks like he’s found some driftwood or something to chew on now.”
Jake wasn’t so sure. “It doesn’t look like wood to me.”
They continued along the sand until Jake realised what Treacle had found. “Shit, that’s a body.”
They ran as fast as they could to Treacle and his find.
“Do you recognise him?” Jake asked. He didn‘t recognise the brown haired stranger, but he had been out of town for the last year.
“I’ve never seen him before. I don’t think he’s local. I’ll call an ambulance.”
“Maybe he’s a surfer,” Jake suggested as he checked for a pulse. The moment his hand touched the man, he opened his eyes and sat up. Alex dropped his phone as he stumbled backwards.
“Well, I guess that answers the question about whether he’s dead,” Alex said.
Blue Hydrangeas is set on Cape Cod, the perfect summer vacation spot. Here’s a clip:
As they slowly cruised down Corn Hill Road toward the bay, they searched for the old house. They’d used this road for years but he felt like he’d never been there before. He remembered it was at the end of the road, set back a bit on the left, but a development of new homes now consumed the bluff where it had once stood. Jack drove to the end of the road and parked the car.
“It’s not here,” he said, studying the area. “It used to be right there.” He pointed to where a new house, still under construction, rose from the sand with decks and balconies on all sides and walls made of windows. It was spectacular. Similar homes surrounded it, each one boasting an expansive view of the bay. He failed to remember this spot at all.
They emerged from the car. This place seemed unfamiliar, yet he felt a deep connection to it. He listened to the sound of the beach, to the waves tumbling against the shore. The scent of beach roses floated on the breeze. The hot sun caressed the top of his head. In the distance, he heard the sound of children at play.
He took Sara by the hand and they started along a footpath that led to the top of the bluff. In just moments, they stood overlooking Cape Cod Bay. Beach blankets lay corner to corner on the crowded beach. For a few moments, they watched children build sandcastles, bodysurfers jump into the pounding waves, Across the bay, they saw the Provincetown Monument towering over the old fishing village.
Jack’s heart rate accelerated. He had hoped to live out the rest of his life without ever visiting this place again. It was a beautiful spot, yet held such ugly memories. Twenty-seven years ago, their daughter, Lisa, had drowned here, right off this beach. He’d vowed never to go back, and they hadn’t, until now. He leaned against Sara to steady himself, gazing out over the bluff as bitter memories consumed him.