Watch this Space!
With all four books written and in various stages of final-ness, the time is rapidly approaching to send them out into the world and see what becomes of them.
In other words, they’re going to be published in and available for sale very soon. The goal right now is to have them ready and on sale by the end of this month. They’ll be available both in a convenient Kindle edition (at $2.99 per book – a bargain if ever there was one!), and also in print (price yet to be determined; I won’t know until the final files are ready to be uploaded to Amazon and a production price is calculated, but my guess is we’re looking at $10-$12 or so for spiffy paperback editions of all four novels, including Ami Low’s amazing cover art that will look fantastic on anyone’s bookshelf or bedside table).
Obviously this site will be your one-stop-shop with links to the books so you can buy any or all of them with one convenient click of your mouse!

One Reply to “Watch this Space!”
Hello James,
I’m on the JOM list although I don’t post as often as I once used to. Am close friends of Janet, Jane and Sue.
To let you know about self publishing I did a photo shoot of a woman in my town who has had some success with her self publishing endeavors and can put you in touch with her if you’d like to learn of her experience.
Hope to hear from you.