Lots of news today!
Book #7 (“Dream Home”) is finished and in the hands of my beta readers. It’s got a cover and a blurb and a launch date – May 23rd!
And here’s a tiny little snippet for you this morning…
“Joshua, relax,” I say, when he tries and fails to sit up. “You’re in the hospital. You fell and hit your head.”
I give him a bright smile. “You remembered what to call me. That’s a very good sign. But I need to examine you. I’m going to take off your gloves and unzip your coat so I can get a better look at you.”
“I haven’t had a woman try to take my clothes off since 1969,” he says, and I can’t tell from his expression whether that’s a joke or not. He shrugs after a moment. “Woodstock.” For one ridiculous moment, I wonder, assuming he’s serious, if Aunt Kat was that woman. She went to Woodstock, too. Whenever I would ask her about it, she’d tell me that she had plenty of stories, but that I wasn’t old enough to hear them.
But that’s just silly. Kat was in her early twenties, and Joshua would have been forty-six. Besides, there were, what, a million people there? “Really?”
“Really,” he says. “I had to see Jefferson Airplane. I had a thing for Grace Slick, what can I say?”
I have no idea how to respond to that.
I also, just last night, approved the audiobook for “Dream Family”, so now it’s in the hands of Amazon to do their quality control, and it should be up for sale in 3 weeks or so…
And here’s a quick sample (ten minutes)….
I also got the updated covers for “Waking Dream” and “Dream Reunion” up and live…
Past that, I’m sorting out ideas for book #8, which will be called “Dream Vacation”. I know for sure that it takes place in the spring of 2005, and that Sara and her family will be visiting Europe for the first time. I already know what goes in the prologue, chapter 15-16 and the epilogue. But there’s still quite a bit to figure out. I plan to start on the book next month and I hope to have it out in November.
AND, I’ve got a pretty solid idea of what book #9 will be about, as well. After that, there’ll probably be one final Dream Series book, which I know for sure will be titled “Dream Wedding” (I haven’t figured out WHOSE wedding yet!), and it’ll bring everything full-circle.