

One of the perils of writing a series is the sheer number of characters to keep up with.  I’m nearing the halfway point of “Dream Reunion” and it’s really a trick to keep the story focused and on track, bring out the themes and sub-plots I’m trying to highlight, and also do justice to the ever-growing cast of characters surrounding Sara.

The fact that it’s all written from Sara’s first-person POV makes it a little easier, but I feel pulled in as many directions as she is.  She’s got a husband, five kids now, both her parents and also a mother and father-in-law, as well as a brother and a best friend who both have families of their own, and her business partner as well.  Giving all of them at least a little bit of “screen time” is a challenge, especially because every one of them is very selfish and wants the spotlight for themself!

And it’s going to be even trickier once Sara gets to her ten-year college reunion in a chapter or two; there will be several returning characters from the first and second book who’ll all be trying to push their way onto the page as much as possible.  We’ll see how that all works out…

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