Hot For Friday – Dream Reunion Edition
Hello, and welcome to my stop on the Hot for Friday blog hop. Today’s theme is “Hot morning after,” and I’ve got a short excerpt from book six of the Dream Series, DREAM REUNION. It’s more a “late afternoon after” than a morning after, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
It takes us – well, Brian, mainly – half an hour to get the back seat properly clean. While he does that, I sit in the passenger seat, with an ice pack on my back.
This was the first time we’ve ever actually – well, our first time in the back seat of a car. And while I didn’t care how much it was hurting my back while we were in the middle of things, or even immediately afterwards, I care an awful lot about it now.
With the job finally completed, Brian comes around, opens the door and – very carefully – pulls me out of the car. I don’t regret what we did – how could I? – but I definitely regret not taking a moment to maneuver myself off of the seatbelt buckle! I also regret that neither of us could find my bra anywhere in the car, or elsewhere in the garage. Brian had to go upstairs and get another one out of my bag. Maybe tonight, after everyone else is asleep, I can sneak back down here and have another look. If I can even walk, that is. I’m not feeling very steady on my feet at the moment.
DREAM REUNION is available on Amazon, and it’s also newly available as a FANASTIC audible audiobook!
You can hear a sample right here: