Hot for Friday – Book Launch Day edition!
It’s time for the weekly Hot for Friday blog hop. This week’s theme is a “hot kiss” and here’s one from the fifth book of the series, WAKING DREAM…
His hands are all over me, his lips are on mine, I’m pulling him close to me, on top of me. God, I can’t breathe, I – I…
Now he’s pulling back from me. No! Don’t do that! I can’t stand it! I’m burning up inside, I want – no, I need him. Right now.
There’s a blast of cold air; he’s lowered the window. That helps. What was I – what were we thinking? There’s not a single car up here besides ours, but we’re still in a public place. I knew where he was going when he made a left instead of taking the right that leads to the Beltway on-ramp. And we do have a half-hour to kill, at least.
He’s panting and his eyes aren’t quite focused. He needs the cold air every bit as much as I do. When he recovers a bit, he says, “Do you have the slightest idea how gorgeous you look tonight?”
I do now, seeing myself reflected in his beautiful, perfect eyes. Right now, we’re on the top level of the parking garage of the Pentagon City mall. “You know there’s a hotel right here,” the big Ritz-Carlton, connected to the mall. “How much room do you think we have left on the credit card?”
That’s unfair of me, to tempt him; I know we can’t do that. It’s important to Brian’s job that we go to the party, and that we – both of us – make a good impression. “Any other night,” he says. “I’d take you up on that.”
The book is also available as a fantastic audiobook!
And don’t forget that the latest Dream Series book, FEVER DREAM, is officially up for sale this morning!