Hot For Friday Blog Hop (Dream Student edition)
Welcome to my stop on this week’s Hot For Friday blog hop. The theme today is “hot and swoon-worthy” and here’s a brief excerpt from DREAM STUDENT, when Sara is feeling pretty vulnerable, and Brian shows up at just the right moment…
I make it as far as the hospital lobby. I step out of the elevator and Brian’s there. What’s he doing here? I run straight to him, hug him. “You’re not sick, are you? You’re OK?”
He’s confused; he has no idea what I’m talking about. “I came to see you, I thought you would want someone to be with you.” Oh my God, that’s so sweet of him! I can’t think of anything to say, so I kiss him instead, and I keep right on kissing him. People are staring at us, but I couldn’t care less. I’m just so glad he’s here. I finally back off a little and let him breathe. “I can’t believe you came here for me. That’s the nicest thing…”
“I love you.” He says it in pretty much the same tone that you’d say “the sky is blue” or “water is wet” and that hits me even more than the words themselves. “This is where I should be.” Yes, yes, yes. And yes.
Remember, the book is FREE on Kindle! And you can also get it on audible audiobook!
One Reply to “Hot For Friday Blog Hop (Dream Student edition)”
It’s always sweet when someone visits you in the hospital. Nice snippet.