Finding Dori!
I’ve got a new book on sale today! It’s the novella FINDING DORI (also part of the Fall Into Romance collection). You can get it right now on Kindle and various other eBook retailers. It’ll be available as a paperback book in the next day or two (for those of you who still prefer to murder trees for your reading pleasure…just kidding, I buy actual, physical books, too!), and as a fantastic audiobook within the next week or two (and you can hear a sample right now).
What’s it about? Here’s the short version:
She’s a loud, pushy New Yorker who drives him crazy. He almost ran her over with his truck. Of course they’re perfect for each other…
That’s a little illustration of Dori herself I had commissioned, so you can see who you’re reading about.
What are you waiting for – go and check it out now!