Cover Reveal – “The Solid Rock” by Faith Blum
Today, I’m excited to announce that Faith Blum have not only an official release day, but also a cover for her newest novel, The Solid Rock!! There’s a catch, though. You can’t see the cover for the novel until you’ve gathered all 15 clues. There’s also an exciting giveaway of 10 books, well 14 if you count the box set of 5 as 5 instead of just 1. Have fun searching for the clues. Instructions on how to see the cover are under the “Clues” section of the blog post.
About the Book
Joshua woke with a quiet groan. As his senses woke up one at a time, he cracked his eyelids open. Sure enough, there was a silhouetted form standing at the foot of the bed. From the smell, the person was either from the brothel down the street or had recently left one.
He forced himself to breathe evenly and reached for the knife in his thigh holster. With as tough and evil a voice as he could imitate, he spoke, “State your intentions.”
Pinkerton detective, Joshua Brookings, is sent on a job that seems simple on the surface. His fellow detective has been kidnapped and his boss, William Pinkerton senses foul play. Joshua is sent to investigate Edward’s case in hopes of finding the kidnapped detective and helping solve the case that has taken over ten years to investigate.
Arriving in Cheyenne, Joshua finds much more than a simple kidnapping. Yet again, he must go undercover, something he made his boss promise never to make him do again. The only Christian in the outlaw group, Joshua falters and almost loses faith in God’s providence. Will he stand on the solid Rock or drown in the sinking sand?
About the Author
Faith Blum started writing at an early age. She started even before she could read! She even thought she could write better than Dr. Seuss. (The picture doesn’t show it well, but there are scribblings on the page of Green Eggs and Ham). Now that she’s grown up a little more, she knows she will probably never reach the success of Dr. Seuss, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
When she isn’t writing, Faith enjoys doing many right-brained activities such as reading, crafting, writing, playing piano, and playing games with her family. One of her dreams is to visit Castle City, Montana someday to see the ghost town she chose for her characters to live in. She currently lives on a hobby farm with her family in Wisconsin.
All the books in the giveaway are either Christian, Mystery, or Western. I have not read all of them, so I cannot vouch for what they are like inside. There will only be one winner (sorry), and since they are all ebooks, we can open the giveaway up internationally as well! Here is the list of the ebooks. To find out more about each book, please click on the title and read the Amazon description.
Dangerous Illusions by Barb Goss
A Box of Dreams by James DiBenedetto
Heartfelt Cases by Julie C. Gilbert
Pride and Butterflies by Franky A. Brown
Guardian (Guardian Trilogy #1) by Robin Helm
SoulFire (Guardian Trilogy #1) by Robin Helm
Legacy (Guardian Trilogy #1) by Robin Helm
Finding Hope by Elizabeth Diaz
Lily of the Valley by Faith Blum
Life and Salvation by Faith Blum
In order to gain access to the blog page that has the full cover on it, you need to hop over to the 14 other blogs to gather the clues. Each blogger will have a clue number and one character of the clue. Each clue is either a number, letter, or symbol. What you need to do is gather the clues and put them in the correct order. Once this is done, type in the password (no spaces) on the protected page (found here) and you will find the full cover in all its glory.
While you’re on each blog, be sure to read the excerpts and I’m sure each blogger would appreciate a comment. Happy sleuthing!
To celebrate the cover reveal, Faith also has the third book in her series on sale! It will be $0.99 through 11am tomorrow and then will go up to $1.99 until Monday evening when it will be back at full price. Here’s a short description of Amazing Grace: A doubting man agrees to wed a widowed mail-order bride, but he struggles with whether or not he can be a father to the woman’s daughter who desperately wants a father’s love. You can purchase this book here:
Antrim Cycle
Creative Hodgepodge
God’s Peculiar Treasure
Jaye L. Knight
Leah’s Bookshelf
Meagan Davenport
Melanie D. Snitker, Author
Rebekah Lyn Books
Singing Librarian Books
Wildflower Acres
With a Joyful Noise
Writing Dreams
Writing, Learning. Living
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
Zerina Blossom’s Books
A few days later, Joshua rode into Cheyenne. With a dazed look, he realized the west really was expanding quickly. It had only been a few months since he had last ridden through this town.
Joshua rode past the saloons, a church, and other businesses, many of which were new and had names he didn’t recognize. Emporium. What kind of merchandise did they sell?
He checked into the hotel closest to the livery stable and walked to the Harris home. At the last crossroad from the house, he noticed a man loitering across from the house. He took a sharp right to go down the side street and found a way to get to the Harris’ back door without being spotted.
Joshua knocked loudly on the back door and stepped back to wait and watch. When the door opened, the muzzle of a shotgun poked through.
“Who are you and why did you come to the back door?”
In the three years since he had last seen her, Elizabeth hadn’t lost her tenacious spirit. “Joshua Brookings, Pinkerton agent,” Joshua said in a low voice. “I came to the back because the front is being watched. I didn’t want to risk them knowing I am here.”
Before he finished, the door swung open. Elizabeth was just as lovely as he remembered. Her chestnut hair was up in a stylish bun, and her dress matched her sparkling green eyes.
“Come in,” Elizabeth said, lowering the shotgun.
Joshua stepped into the kitchen and Elizabeth closed the door behind him.
“You haven’t changed at all,” Elizabeth said.
Joshua raised an eyebrow “Neither have you.”
Elizabeth smiled. “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you were the one who was sent. I know Father trusted the agents he’d met, but I have a hard time trusting men I don’t know.”
Joshua nodded. “When I heard the name Harris and Cheyenne, I put the two together. It will be good to see your father again.”
“If we can find him.”
“Did your father leave any hints, clues, or notes?”
Elizabeth smiled. “Yes, he did. Come with me.” She led him to the study.
“Didn’t the kidnappers search in here?” Joshua asked.
“Yes, they ransacked the house. It was a mess!”
Joshua narrowed his eyes. “How did they miss—“
“Can you please lock the door?” Elizabeth interrupted. “I like to take extra precautions.”

2 Replies to “Cover Reveal – “The Solid Rock” by Faith Blum”
Looks like a good book They all do Thanks for sponsoring in the blog hop and the chance to win