Book Tour – Shadow of the World by Greg Carrico

Book Tour – Shadow of the World by Greg Carrico

I’m happy to be hosting a stop on the tour for Greg Carrico’s “Shadow of the World”

Shadow of the World tour banner

And here’s Greg!

Author Carrico

Gregory Carrico is a former dental practice management consultant and software trainer. Abandoning his dream of working the daily grind until death, he was forced into the thankless life of a fiction writer. Now an Best Selling horror and science fiction writer, as well as a 2013 HFA Author of the Year Finalist, he finds a small degree of succor in crafting despicable bad guys and then tricking readers into caring about them.

When not creating new worlds and plotting their destruction, he advocates for adopting rescue dogs, and politely urges slower drivers to get out of the passing lane.

Follow Greg at his website, his blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Goodreads.  And you can sign up for his newsletter right here.

His book is “Shadow of the World”

Shadow of the world cover

Mentally unstable, an ex-con’s barely controlled super-power to make people catatonic earns him an accusation of terrorism. A deranged killer looks exactly like him and stalks his daughter and grandson while he is questioned by the police. With time running out to rescue them, he can do nothing until he convinces the authorities of his innocence. Between the missing memories from his blackouts and video evidence of his guilt, he must convince himself, as well.

Either he becomes a superhero during his blackouts, or his powers are imaginary and he is a psychopathic killer who tortures and murders victims on camera. Another explanation: this is exactly what his mysterious doppelganger wants everyone to think.

My brief review (I’ll post a more detailed review once the book is live on

Shadow of the World is a compelling and very effectively creepy story.  We meet Wayne in jail, chained to a chair and undergoing interrogation about something he doesn’t remember.  It’s the “sand” – his term for what feel like dust storms that rise up in his mind, blacking him out so that his body can do he knows not what.  At least, not until he awakes again and finds himself in police custody, or worse.

We spend most of the story in Wayne’s head (although it is told in third-person), and Greg does a great job of bringing home the confusion and fear of a protagonist who can’t trust his own mind and fears his own actions.  The writing is also very vivid and descriptive, bring a dark and dangerous world to life.  Wayne is a sympathetic hero and his journey is well worth following.  I’d give this book four stars and a definite good recommendation.

And just as a taste of the book to whet your appetite, here’s a very brief excerpt…

“Sarah?” Wayne asked. Urgency blasted through his hazy mind like a foghorn, kicking his pulse from ‘sleep’ to ‘sprint.’ She needed him. He had to go.

The room snapped into focus. He hadn’t been sleeping; not exactly. That just–woke–up grogginess clung to his brain like a tequila hang–over, but it didn’t come from booze. Every so often his body would take some “alone time” to do… god only knew what. His conscious mind either shut down during these hostile takeovers, or blocked out all recollection of whatever might have happened.

He thought he had beaten the blackouts in prison. His unexpected parole had been approved three months after his last attack, but less than a week of freedom had brought them back with a vengeance. The previous twelve–ish hours had been a string of shocked awakenings in unexpected places and situations. Just like this one.



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