Book Tour – “Sanginuary” by Margo Bond Collins
Sanguinary, by Margo Bond Collins
A Night Shift Novel
Only fifty years left before vampires rule the world.
When Dallas police detective Cami Davis joined the city’s vampire unit, she planned to use the job as a stepping-stone to a better position in the department.
But she didn’t know then what she knows now: there’s a silent war raging between humans and vampires, and the vampires are winning.
So with the help of a disaffected vampire and an ex-cop addict, Cami is going undercover, determined to solve a series of recent murders, discover a way to overthrow the local Sanguinary government, and, in the process, help win the war for the human race.
But can she maintain her own humanity in the process? Or will Cami find herself, along with the rest of the world, pulled under a darkness she cannot oppose?
Forthcoming October 8, 2014
Pre-Order on Kindle:
“Ooh,” the taller woman said, “your friend doesn’t like it when you flirt.”
I glared at her. Vampires should not know more about me than I do.
“I’ll have to see that she gets over it,” a voice drawled from behind me. I whipped my head around in time to see a man standing up from a barstool behind me. I hadn’t even noticed he was there
God knows how I could have missed him.
He wore jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt. He had on dark brown cowboy boots, and as he turned away from the bar, he picked up a black felt cowboy hat from the seat next to him, placing it on his head. On anyone else, I might have assumed that the hats and boots were an affectation. On him, they looked perfect. He was utterly beautiful, with bright green eyes, and dark hair that curled down to barely brush the back of his collar.
I am undercover, I reminded myself sternly. Here to do a job.
When Garrett caught my gaze in his, flicking his glance toward the cowboy vamp, it was all I could do to keep from sighing aloud.
Would it have killed my partner to be a little more descriptive when he briefed me?
Of course that was the vampire cowboy I had to get close to tonight.
No making eyes at the informants, Cami.
But damn, he was hot.
“Nice scars,” he said, sliding his gaze along my bared shoulder.
“Thanks,” I said, almost breathless.
“But I thought you didn’t do Un-Claimed strays, Reese,” the short woman said, managing to both pout and smile at the same time.
And I am absolutely not attracted to vampires.
I could keep telling myself that.
Connect with Margo
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Twitter: @MargoBondCollin
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Finally, here’s a fantastic interview with Margo…
Who is your favorite author?
I don’t have just one. I have hundreds. I ended up with a Ph.D. in literature in part because I just couldn’t quit going to school and learning about new-to-me authors. And while I was reading more traditionally literary works for school, I was reading science fiction and fantasy on the side. So I have favorite authors in almost every genre you could think of. But here are some favorites from my area of specialization, eighteenth-century British literature, and some favorites from my preferred genres to read for entertainment, science fiction and fantasy:
18th century: Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood, Delarivier Manley, Fanny Burney, Jane Austen
SF/F: Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Kage Baker, Ann Aguirre, Anne Bishop, Jennifer Armentrout, Robin McKinley, Katie Hayoz, Rick Chiantaretto, Melanie Karsak
How do you describe your writing style?
Direct and sometimes snarky.
Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book?
The vampires in this book do not sparkle—and they’re set to take over the world unless Detective Cami Davis can stop them with the help of a disaffected vampire and an ex-cop junkie.
Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?
All of my characters have a little bit of me in them—event the villains. I think it’s impossible to write interesting characters without having some empathy for them, and that means injecting just a touch of me.
But none of my characters are entirely me—not even my narrators and heroines. Elle from Legally Undead is much braver than I am, Callie from Waking Up Dead is more determined to fight for social justice. Laney from Fairy, Texas is better at keeping secrets, and Kylie from Taming the Country Star is more afraid of being hurt. And Cami from Sanguinary is more analytical, better at stepping back from a terrifying situation and examining it—but then, she’s a cop, so she’d have to be.
If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?
Ack! NONE of them! My characters lead terribly interesting lives, full of mayhem and murder. I prefer to avoid tripping over dead bodies.
Well . . . okay. Maybe Kylie from Taming the Country Star. She’s dating a gorgeous, funny, kind country singer. That might be fun for a day. . .
What books have most influenced your life?
Never ask an English professor to discuss books unless you want the multi-paragraph answer! Like most novelists, I am a voracious reader in my field, which means that I read all kinds of urban fantasy and paranormal fiction. But in addition to being an urban fantasy writer, I have Ph.D. in eighteenth-century British literature. This means that any time anyone wants to talk books, I have more than my share to say!
In early British literature, I love the classics—but especially the stories with heroes and monsters: Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Knight’s Tale. I love Shakespeare’s plays, but my favorites to teach are Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream because each is such a great example of its genre. Hamlet’s tragedy seems virtually unavoidable, and Midsummer’s comedy hits all the high (and low!) points.
In my own sub-specialty of eighteenth-century British literature, I love the early novels written by some of the first women to make a living writing in England, such as Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood, and Delarivier Manley. Behn’s 1688 novel Oroonoko tells the story of a king who became a slave and found the woman he loved in the process, only to kill her and their unborn child to save them from slavery. In Haywood’s Fantomina (1724), a young noblewoman sets off on a sexual adventure full of disguises and intrigue. And in Manley’s The Wife’s Resentment (1720), a young woman takes revenge against her unfaithful husband with a gruesome murder. These early novels influenced later gothic tales, with virtuous damsels in distress and monstrous villains out to destroy them.
I think these various loves in more traditional literature—monsters, heroes, strong women, and gothic settings—are all parts of what have influenced my love of urban fantasy and horror. I love seeing many of the same tropes and ideas in more recent publications that influenced earlier works, as well.
If you could select one book that you could rewrite and add your own unique twist on, which book would that be and why?
Probably a Shakespeare play—they’re just so much fun! Maybe a version of Hamlet with a princess of Denmark instead of a prince?
Beatles or Monkees? Why?
The Rolling Stones. 😉 (Honestly, I like all of them. And now I have “Hey, hey, we’re the Monkees . . .” running through my head.)
Who should play you in a film of your life?
Probably Sandra Bullock—she’s just so good at playing the kind of character who trips and falls and bumbles, but ends up being mostly okay at the end.