Book Tour! “Lily of the Valley” by Faith Blum
Happy Cyber Monday! In honor of the biggest internet shopping day of the year, or at least one of them, Faith Blum decided to do a blog tour release of her newest novel, Lily of the Valley. There are two giveaway opportunities and lots of fun interviews and excerpts.
About the Book
Howdy, Teacher! You don’t know me, but my kids talk bout you a lot. I been lookin fer a wife and mother fer a few years and was wonderin iffen we cood meet and get to no each other a bit. I’ll come after skool to git yer answer. Grover Miller
Unruly schoolchildren, three suitors, and too many things to do. When Ruth Brookings rejects one of the suitors, he refuses to accept no for an answer.
To make matters worse, when she prays for guidance, she’s answered with a challenge instead: To encourage her friend to find a wife—whether he wants one or not.
Will she lose her friend just when she needs a friend the most? Will she be able to weather the storms she’s about to face?
Purchase on Amazon:
And here’s an interview with Ruth, the heroine of LILY OF THE VALLEY:
Tell us about your family.
I have a loving father and mother who have always been there for me whenever I needed them. I also have two older brothers and two older sisters. All of them are rowdy and rambunctious where I am much quieter. I sometimes felt like I didn’t belong, but Joshua, the youngest of my brothers, and the one closest to my age, always tried to keep me involved in things or encouraged me in some way.
What one word best describes you?
That’s a hard one. Probably quiet. I have a quiet voice, I don’t speak up a lot when I am around a lot of people. I’m not good at confronting people, but will do so if I have to. So, yes, quiet would probably be the best word.
Is there a piece of advice that you have received that has really stuck with you? If so, what was it?
Always trust in God. No matter how hard it is. I had heard this many times over the years from pastors as well as my parents, but recently I was reading the book of Daniel and it really struck me how, when the king made a law that no one could pray to God, but only to the king, Daniel didn’t hesitate. He kept up his routine and prayed even though he knew he could be seen. God didn’t protect him by not letting him get thrown to the lion’s, but God did protect him by shutting the lions’ mouths. We may go through tough times, but how much worse would they be if God wasn’t protecting us?
What do you do to unwind and relax?
I like to read a book or write in my journal.
If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?
My oldest brother. I already have, but sometimes I wish I could do it just one more time to make sure he really did forgive me.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
When our stagecoach was robbed and Joshua and I had to run for our lives.
Where do you dream of traveling to and why?
I don’t really dream of traveling. I prefer to stay home.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I used to hold a grudge against one of my brothers and it almost ruined our relationship.
About the Author
Faith Blum started writing at an early age. She started even before she could read! She even thought she could write better than Dr. Seuss. (The picture doesn’t show it well, but there are scribblings on the page of Green Eggs and Ham). Now that she’s grown up a little more, she knows she will probably never reach the success of Dr. Seuss, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
When she isn’t writing, Faith enjoys doing many right-brained activities such as reading, crafting, writing, playing piano, and playing games with her family. One of her dreams is to visit Castle City, Montana someday to see the ghost town she chose for her characters to live in. She currently lives on a hobby farm with her family in Wisconsin.
We’ve got a great interview with Faith, too:
Who is your favorite author?
God is my favorite author. For fiction writing, my favorite author is probably Jaye L. Knight.
How do you describe your writing style?
I don’t normally describe it, so I’m not sure. I’d say my writing is typically story-driven.
Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book?
Lily of the Valley shows the importance of a good reputation and why we should never gossip or spread rumors. It is also a sweet romance with lots of fun characters.
Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?
Not fully, no. Ruth Brookings is kind of modeled after me, but she has some distinct differences, the main one being that she is good at teaching.
If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?
Adelaide. She’s in book five and will have her own novella next year as well. She is so sweet and I wouldn’t mind stepping into her shoes for a day and learning how to live the way she does.
What books have most influenced your life?
The Bible is the biggest influence on my life. Without the Bible and Jesus Christ, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
If you could select one book that you could rewrite and add your own unique twist on, which book would that be and why?
There have been a few books I’ve read that I wish I could take the plot and rewrite, but that was mainly because the writing was very good at all, but the plot had so much promise! I can’t recall the titles, though. Sorry.
Beatles or Monkees? Why?
Neither because I don’t like rock music, soft or hard. 🙂
Who should play you in a film of your life?
I don’t know a lot of actresses’ names, so I’m not sure. Maybe Kate Winslet except that she might be too old.
Free Book
Today is the last day to get Be Thou My Vision (Hymns of the West #2) free! Here is the link:
Faith has a Goodreads giveaway going on through November 30th! Be sure to check it out and enter to win one of two signed paperback copies of Lily of the Valley.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Lily of the Valley
by Faith Blum
Giveaway ends November 30, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads. In addition to the Goodreads giveaway, Faith is also giving away all four of her paperback novels to one lucky winner!
a Rafflecopter giveaway//
Bloggers involved
November 29:
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections-Tour introduction
Shanna Hatfield-Book Spotlight
November 30:
Musings of Inspiration-Author Interview/Book Spotlight
C.K.Rich-Book Spotlight
Singing Librarian Books-Book Review/Author Interview
Writing Dreams-Author Interview/Character Interview/Book Spotlight
Tara Ellis – Wife. Mother, Indie Author and Photographer-Book Spotlight
Christa Reads & Writes-Book Spotlight
Rebekah Lyn Books-Book Spotlight
The Overactive Imagination-Author Interview
Wildflower Acres-Book Review/Spotlight
Jaye L. Knight-Book Spotlight
Zerina Blossom’s Books-Book Review/Spotlight
God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae-Book Spotlight
Tamie Dearen’s Blog-Book Review/Spotlight

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