Book Tour – “Desert Rose” by Jayne Townsley
Desert Rose
Seasons of Love Book 3
by Jayne Townsley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Eight years ago, Sarah trusted Christopher on her 16th birthday, and it was trust misplaced. His abusive nature reared its ugly head, and Christopher was removed from her life so that she could raise their child in safety.
Eight years ago, Benjamin Reed told his girlfriend Pam that he couldn’t take any more of her physical abuse. He couldn’t handle any more betrayals. Pam either needed to get clean and commit or leave his life and never contact him again. She chose to leave and took with her the baby he knew nothing about.
As Ben and Sarah cautiously work their way to trusting one another, both Christopher and Pam come crashing back into their lives.
Christopher returns to Oklahoma, professing to be a changed man and hoping to reclaim both Sarah and Amber, the child he left behind. He is done missing his daughter, and Christopher swears he is ready to make things right.
Ben and Sarah are working their way through these rocky waters when Ben gets a call from Georgia that he never expected: Pam wants to talk to him about their son, Tristan. A son that Ben didn’t know existed. Pam’s clean, sober, and had a life-changing event that has her reaching out to him for help. Can he come to Georgia so she can explain everything?
Can two people newly in love and with significant trust issues overcome their fears to give each other the room they need to deal with such overwhelming circumstances?
**Only .99 cents!!**
Jayne Townsley lives with her multi-generational family in Northeast Oklahoma’s aptly named Green Country. A transplanted Okie from the Chicago suburbs, she has grown to love this state and its people with a passion, happily calling it home for the past 15 years.
Jayne shares her home with a rescued Shollie named Maui and two cats called Gamora and Nebula.
Jayne enjoys old-fashioned road trips and is in the process of planning one to tour Oklahoma’s Route 66.
She is also something of a Disney World addict.
Run to You is her debut novel. She writes clean romance with a sharp edge.
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Thank you so much for being a part of my book tour!