Book Launch – Shanna Hatfield and “Ilsa”
I’m thrilled to be hosting the book launch for a friend (and someone who gave me great advice before the launch of my books last year), Shanna Hatfield. I’ve got an interview with Shanna, and she’s also got a giveaway for you – an ebook copy of her new novel, “Ilsa” to one lucky commentor! But, first, here’s the lady herself…
Shanna Hatfield is a hopeless romantic with a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure. In addition to blogging, eating too much chocolate, and being smitten with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller, she is a best-selling author of clean romantic fiction written with a healthy dose of humor. She is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, and Romance Writers of America. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.”
Follow Shanna online:
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And here’s the book…
“Ilsa” is her newest book, and the third in this series. What’s it about?
Before we get to the interview, a brief description of the series: Set in the western town of Pendleton, Oregon, the Pendleton Petticoats series highlights courageous women and men of strong character. The series begins in 1899, as Pendleton heads into a new century and an era as a booming, bustling city. During the early 1900s, Pendleton was a modern, progressive town, despite its Wild West reputation. In addition to 18 bordellos and 32 saloons, Pendleton offered residents such cultured experiences as an opera house, a French restaurant, and a tearoom. It was the second city in Oregon to have paved streets and boasted a telephone office as well as wonders like indoor plumbing to those who could afford the services. While the town didn’t lack for colorful characters, those portrayed in the Pendleton Petticoats series are purely fictional.
And you can buy “Ilsa” as well as “Aundy” and “Caterina” at:
Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords
Shanna’s provided us with an excerpt from “Aundy” to introduce her series to us…
“You are one of the most stubborn, hard-headed women I’ve ever met, Aundy Erickson,” Garrett said, running a hand through his hair, sending the dark locks into a state of complete disarray. His movements made Aundy want to run her fingers through it as well. “Your ability to be self-sufficient would never come into question. If you need help, ask for it. We’re more than happy to give it. You’ve been through so much since you’ve arrived here and handled it all in stride. Growing up in the city, without any rural background, you’re going to need some help. Never hesitate to ask.”
“I know, but I’ve imposed on all of you too much as it is.” Aundy felt tears prick the backs of her eyes. She would not cry. Giving in to her emotions, as jumbled as they were, wouldn’t help prove she could care for herself and Erik’s farm. Her farm.
“You’ve never imposed on us. Ever.” Aundy was so obstinate. He couldn’t recall ever meeting such a stubborn, headstrong woman. She made him want to… Thinking about what he really wanted to do, he refocused his attention on why she went to the Underground. “Regardless of all that, what information were you hoping to find?”
“I wanted to buy something and no one would talk to me about it. Dressed as a man, I didn’t have a bit of trouble making the deal.”
“What did you buy?” Garrett tried to think of anything Aundy would have purchased in the Underground that could possibly be beneficial to the farm.
“I don’t think you’re going to like my answer.” Aundy didn’t want to tell Garrett about her sheep. He’d been quite vocal when she and J.B. were discussing the pros and cons of raising sheep the other day, about how much he disliked the “stinky little boogers,” as he referred to them.
“What did you do?” Garrett asked, pinning her with his silver gaze.
“I made arrangements with a man to buy something he wanted, quite desperately, to sell.”
Garrett’s patience was nearly exhausted. “Which was?”
She hesitated, taking a deep breath before answering. “Sheep.”
He let out a whoosh of air and sat back in his chair. Blinking his eyes twice, he was sure Aundy couldn’t have said what he thought she did.
“Did you say sheep?”
“Yes,” Aundy whispered, staring down at the cloth covering the table.
“Smelly, nasty, bleating little sheep?”
“Well, I don’t know about the smelly, nasty, or bleating part, but yes, I did agree to purchase sheep.”
“Woman! What are you thinking? Did you sign papers, make payment? Is the deal final?”
“Not yet. Mr. O’Connell was under the impression I was helping a new widow. I asked him to call Mrs. Erickson Monday morning to make arrangements for the sale.”
“O’Connell? The whiskey drinking Irishman? Why he’ll…” Garrett yelled, his eyes flashing fire.
Aundy reached across the table and clapped a hand across his mouth. “Shh. You’ll have Dent and the boys in here if you don’t quiet down. Not only should you not be here, especially with me dressed like this, but I’m not quite ready to impart the knowledge to them that we’ll soon be raising sheep.”
“Fred will quit.” Garrett stated a fact Aundy already knew. He’d made it perfectly clear that he had no interest in tending sheep, so it was a gamble she had to make.
“I’ve taken that possibility into consideration.”
“Did you also take into consideration that a lot of the neighbors around here hate sheep? Not just dislike them, but hate them. I know many people in the area raise sheep, but our neighbors are all wheat growers and cattlemen. If you think about it, there isn’t one little lamb to be found from here all the way to Pendleton.
And, finally, as promised, we’ve got a great interview with shanna…
1. Who is your favorite author and why?
I can’t pick just one. There are many, many authors I enjoy. Usually when I read, I just want to be entertained. Some of my favorites for doing that are Deeanne Gist, Karen Witemeyer, Rachel Rossano, and Marcia Lynn McClure.
2. How do you describe your writing style?
Definitely easy reading. My goal is to provide readers with a fun, engaging place to escape for a few hours where they can be entertained and meet some flawed, witty, heartfelt characters.
3. Why should we read your book?
If you enjoy historical fiction, clean romances, or a good western, you’ll most likely enjoy reading Aundy and its sequels, Caterina and Ilsa. The Pendleton Petticoats series is full of history, adventure, light-hearted dialogue and a few heart-wrenching moments.
4. Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?
None of the characters in the Pendleton Petticoats series. They are all much braver than I would be in similar circumstances! (If you want to discover the character modeled after me, read Heart of Clay.)
5. If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?
In the Pendleton Petticoats series, I think I’d pick Ilsa. She’s petite, blonde, perky, and wildly talented at designing and creating high-end fashions – basically everything I’m not!
6. What books have most influenced your life?
Aside from the Bible, I’ve been influenced by both fiction and non-fiction. I read Ralph Moody’s Little Britches in grade school and still remember the scene about Ralph’s father telling him how we can either build up or tear down our character through life like a house. It made me realize how important it is to not only have a good foundation and solid walls, but to do regular maintenance on keeping it that way. Although I’ve never sold cosmetics, I appreciate the wisdom of Mary Kay Ash and what she shared in her book The Mary Kay Way. She truly knew how to lift people up. In more recent years, I loved Randy Pausch’s book The Last Lecture. It’s a great reminder that life is too short to waste even a day of it.
7. Beatles or Monkees? Why?
Monkees. I was the youngest of four kids and I can remember being quite young, sitting with my sister as she watched the Monkees show. She was a big fan of Davy Jones.
8. Who should play you in a film of your life?
Julianne Moore – I always wanted to be a gorgeous redhead!
9. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I love to hear from readers, so feel free to drop me a note via any of my social media links.
Remember to leave a comment to be entered for a change to win Shanna’s new book…

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