Book Hooks – Get Hooked on the Dream Series!
I’m participating in the weekly Book Hooks meme – sharing something from one of my books to…well…get you hooked on it.
Here’s something from the third book in the Dream Series, DREAM CHILD, which, appropriately enough, takes place at Christmastime…
I was right; there’s almost a full week’s worth of dinners in the refrigerator. Over the course of an hour, and with several interruptions, Brian and I have our dinner. First, Ben needs to be fed. Then Steffy needs to be changed, and Lizzie “helps,” which ends with my having to comfort Steffy for fifteen minutes while Brian thoroughly cleans the changing table and takes Lizzie in for a quick bath. Amazingly enough, that’s actually an improvement over how it usually goes.
Then we decorate the Christmas tree. Lizzie insists that we have to do it right now, but I would have done it tonight anyway – I’m not going to have a lot of time to do it this week once I’m back on my insane residency hours. We all take turns hanging ornaments, and Brian lifts Lizzie up to put the angel on top of the tree. Then I turn all the lights out and Brian plugs the tree lights in.
“Ooh! Mommy, it’s so pretty!” The three of us sit on the couch and admire our handiwork for a few minutes, until I look over at the clock and see that it’s nearly Lizzie’s bedtime. But she wants to play with her brother and sister before she goes to sleep. She’s the only one so far who can get Ben to smile. At first I thought it was just gas, but it’s clearly not. She stands over him, tickles his stomach, and – every time, a smile.
I’m very glad Lizzie likes the twins. My mother rarely fails to remind me that, when I was Lizzie’s age and my brother arrived, all I wanted to do was trade him in for a dog. At least she doesn’t say it in front of Lizzie; I guess I should be grateful for that.
We have to drag Lizzie away from the twins, and it takes three stories before she’s ready to go to sleep. I tuck her in, turn off the light, and I’m pulling her bedroom door closed when she calls out to me, “Mommy? I don’t wanna have any more scary dreams.” It takes every ounce of my willpower to hold back from bursting into tears on the spot.
You can buy the book on Amazon, and it’s also an Audible Audiobook!
And here’s where you can check in on a whole bunch of other great authors also sharing from their books:

One Reply to “Book Hooks – Get Hooked on the Dream Series!”
Love the Christmas setting.