Balancing Acts
Where does the time go? I wish I knew, and I wish I had more of it.
I had no idea, before I went the self-publishing route, just how much time it takes to promote and sell books. Here’s a snapshot of what’s on my plate (this is all in addition to my regular day job, helping to take care of my Mom, and all the other things that make up daily life):
I’m writing book #6 in the Dream Series (“Dream Reunion”).
I’m also writing “Queen of the Idiots”
I’m hosting several blog tours and other spotlights for other indie authors.
I’m reviewing five books (and those are just the ones that I’ve agreed to have reviews for in the next week to ten days)
I’m working with my narrator on the audiobook for “Dream Doctor”
I’m participating in the weekly Virtual Book Fair on facebook and in daily tweeting (or twittering, or whatever you call it) to promote my books.
I’m keeping up with my month-long virtual book tour for the Dream Series.
I’m trying to keep up with this blog and provide interesting content
I’m following up with the dozens of review requests and promotions and other things I’ve sent out for the Dream books.
Ugh. I’m tired just writing that!