An Excellent Adventure
So I did finish “Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure” – there’s a little editing to be done, but it’s basically finished. I’m really happy with it – it’s fun to see a slightly different perspective in the Dream Series (even if Betty’s voice really isn’t too far different from Sara’s – Sara had to get it from somewhere, after all).
I only have one dilemma, and I’m waiting to hear back from a couple of beta readers to ask them what they think about it. It’s only two sentences that either stay in or come out.
There’s also an issue of cost – I was planning on making it free, but I don’t think I can do that on Amazon. As far as I can tell, it has to be at least $0.99. I definitely want to give the ebook away, so I need to see what I can figure out (it’ll be available in print as well, and obviously that won’t be free, but it’ll be as cheap as they let me make it).
And it looks as though Nicola Bryant actually might narrate it for audiobook, which would be just amazingly cool. Fingers crossed!