Month: October 2013

Book Release! K.C. Sprayberry and “Canoples Investigations Vs. Spacers Rule”

Book Release! K.C. Sprayberry and “Canoples Investigations Vs. Spacers Rule”

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Today is the launch day for K.C. Sprayberry’s new book, “Canoples Investigations Vs. Spacers Rule”


BD Bradford and Canoples Investigations are new assistants to Chief Pelham. A dangerous group of thugs called Spacers Rule has invaded Canoples Station by bringing in corrupted codos and re-kats. Can Canoples Investigations stop Spacers Rule before people get hurt?

Here’s a brief excerpt…

The only expectations I live up to are my own. Well … I do give Cassie some input into that. She is my girl, after all, and she’s far better than me at a lot of things. Not that I worry about all of that junk, all I care about is that she’s still around.

My crew and I have our dream jobs, and we still have to leave for our respective academies soon. Me and Carl will take off for Mars, for the Security Academy. Cassie and Terry have reserved spots at the Computer Institute on Mistlich. It’ll be hard not seeing those two every day, but we do have vid calls already set up at night.

Since Io’s eruption settled, Chief Pelham has done his best to train all of us to do what we want for our future, private security. One unfortunate side effect is that we have to obey the rules – no exceptions.

Bogus. What a waste of time. How does Security get anything done taking the lifts? I can’t handle one more up and down, slower than a spa-tortoise moving across its tank trip. Will someone please not push the priority button?

I’m trying my best to hook up with Carl on the promenade. There is one major obstacle I have to overcome. The lift illuminates P for promenade, and it keeps on moving … for the third time since I got on ten minutes ago. What’s up with this?

scene 9

You can find more about K.C. and her books all over the Interwebs…





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KC Sprayberry started writing young, first as a diarist, and later through an interest in English and creative writing. Her first experience with publication came when she placed third in The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge contest while in the Air Force, but her dedication to writing came after she had her youngest child, now in his senior year of high school.

Her family lives in Northwest Georgia where she spends her days creating stories about life in the south, and far beyond. More than a dozen of her short stories have appeared in several magazines. Five anthologies feature other short stories. Her other books are: The Ghost Catcher, Family Curse … Times Two, Take Chances, and Amazon Best Sellers, Canoples Investigations Tackles Space Pirates, Softly Say Goodbye, Who Am I?, and Mama’s Advice.

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A Great Interview with Sara – and her daughters, too!

A Great Interview with Sara – and her daughters, too!

Take a look at this wonferdul character interview with Sara Alderson (nee Barnes), at Sarah’s Storylines.  It was a lot of fun to write and i think it really brings out more about who Sara is.

And also, you’ll enjoy this – it’s an interview with Lizzie and Grace, which was written for the recent blog tour of the Dream Series, but unfortunately didn’t get posted.  I’ve got some other material as well from that tour which I’ll be sharing over the next few days.

This interview takes place in December of 2000, just before the events of “Waking Dream” (as does Sara’s interview at the link above)…

Tell us about your family

Lizzie: My Mommy is a doctor, and my Daddy is an engineer, and I have a little brother and sister.  They’re twins.  They’re four years old.  They’re usually pretty good, but sometimes Steffy can be kind of cranky.  And Grace is my older sister now.  She came to live with us two years ago.  Oh, and there’s Chrissy.  She’s our dog.


Grace: Lizzie named the dog.  My mother’s name was Christina, and we got the dog a month after I came to live here.  I really like being a big sister.  I didn’t have any brothers or sisters, and then I didn’t have any parents, but now I’ve got two parents again, and three siblings.  And Chrissy, too.

They’re all great, but I agree with Lizzie about Steffy.  She can be kind of a pain sometimes.  They’re twins, her and Ben, but they’re really different.  It’s weird, I always expect them to be more alike, but they’re not.


Lizzie: Steffy isn’t always a pain, just sometimes.  Oh, and we forgot Grandma Betty and Grandpa Howard, and Grandma Helen and Grandpa Ben!


Grace: They’re all great.  And Grandma Betty is such a good cook.  She makes dinner for us a couple of nights a week.  We see her all the time.


What was the scariest moment of your life?


Lizzie: When Mommy was in jail.  Daddy had a dream about it, and I saw it.  It was really horrible.  I don’t want to say, because it was really horrible, and everything was awful for a while afterwards.


Grace: That was right before I came to live here.  My father got Aunt Sara a good lawyer and he got everything sorted out.  One of the people who worked for her set her up and got her arrested.

But my scariest moment happened at that same time.  I listened in when the doctor called my father.  I know I shouldn’t have been listening, but I already knew he was very sick.  The doctor told him all the tests were done, and he had cancer, and my father made the doctor tell him how long he had to live.

Lizzie: You never told me that!

Grace: I never told anyone.  I wanted to.  But I didn’t want my father to know I knew, and then when I came to live with you, there was no reason to say it.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Grace: I don’t know.  I really like my ballet class, but you have to be, like, perfect at it to do that for a living, I think.  And you have to start when you’re two years old.  So I don’t think I can do that.  But I have a while to figure something else out, right?

Lizzie: I want to be a doctor, like my Mommy.

Grace: I thought you already were.  I heard all about “Doctor Lizzie.”

Lizzie: Yeah.  But I was little then.  Now I know better.  You need to go to school for a really long time first.  But I do really good in school, so I’m not worried about that.


What songs are most played on your iPod?

Grace: Do you mean the portable CD player?  I gave it to Lizzie.  I’m trying to teach her about music.

Lizzie: Grace lent me one of her Bon Jovi CD’s.  I’ve been listening to that a lot.

Grace: Once she’s done with that, I think I’m going to introduce her to Bruce Springsteen.  I love Aunt Sara and Uncle Brian and they’re great, but they don’t have very good taste in music, and they’re really letting Lizzie down.  So I have to help out.


Morning Person? Or Night Person? How do you know?

Lizzie: Morning!  I’m used to getting up really early and doing stuff.  When Mommy was at Children’s Hospital and I went with her, we got up at six in the morning.

Grace: Night.  I hate getting up early.

Lizzie: Mommy says that’s because you’re turning into a teenager ahead of your time.  I’m not sure what she means.

Grace: Me, neither.




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Halfway Done!

Halfway Done!

I hit a milestone on “Dream Reunion” today – halfway finished!  Eight chapters are written (actually, I’m more than halfway, because I’ve got about 5,000 words that will go into chapter 14-15 written as well), which means eight to go.  And the cover is being worked on right now.  So everything is moving along.  I won’t make my self-imposed October 31st deadline for the first draft, but I think I can make November 15th, and if I do, I can have the book out in time for Christmas as I hoped.

So far in the book, Sara has had a baby, performed a neo-natal surgery, discovered that she’s actually a terrible business manager, had several dreams about someone who’s planning to burn down their own business for the insurance money, and had her shameful secret teenage crush on Rick Springfield outed.

In the second half of the book, she’s going to attend her ten-year college reunion, meet several old friends, be forced into an unexpected and very awkward talk about “the birds and the bees,” figure out who’s having the dreams of arson, have the worst fight she’s ever had with her husband, visit a confession booth for the first time in her life, and be forced to make a gut-wrenching choice.

I pretty much know everything except whether to soften the ending or not.  I know what the more dramatic (and more realistic) answer is, but I’m not sure if I can do that to Sara.  We’ll see how things go.

Here’s the very last paragraph of chapter 8:

“Yes, Mom!”  Well, that’s settled.  I’m worried about Grace growing up too fast and getting exposed to things she shouldn’t be, and what’s the first thing I’m going to do with her on this trip?  Take her to a bar.  Nobody ever said being a parent was easy, right?


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Indie Author Spotlight – Bebe Knight and “An Element of Time”

Indie Author Spotlight – Bebe Knight and “An Element of Time”

I’m happy to welcome another great indie author to the site.  Please say hello to Bebe Knight…



Bebe Knight, author of the Eternal Flame Series, lives in Upstate NY with her husband and son. Writing has always been a part of her life whether it be books, plays, or handwritten letters to friends and family. It’s a dream come true for her to be able to share her stories with others.

Follow Bebe at her website, her blog, Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.  Or check out her Cafe Press store!

Her new book is “An Element of Time” – which is just book one of the Eternal Flame series, so there’s more great writing to come…

A vampire and a slayer walk into a bar… Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but for Veronica and Mackenzie, it’s the beginning of the rest of their lives…

The world has seen its fair share of evil, but Veronica Chase had no idea such monsters truly existed. Werewolves, poltergeists, witches… even vampires. Ignorance was bliss. But her reality was crushed on that horrid day her family was taken away from her. Now, Veronica has devoted her entire life to hunting those very creatures, searching for the werewolf pack that murdered her parents in hopes of finding her abducted sister. Nothing will get in her way of settling the score for the hand she was unjustly dealt. That is until her newest assignment brings her to her knees.

After one hundred and eight years on earth, Mackenzie Jones thought he had seen it all. With the exception of daylight of course, but that’s what comes with the territory being a vampire and all. Perpetually damned to live his life as a bartender in the shadows of the night, nothing has sparked his interest lately. Just once he wished something exciting would happen in his mundane life. Little did he know, his wish was about to come true. Walking through the door to his bar, and into his heart, Mackenzie allows love to take the wheel for the first time. There’s just one slight problem. She’s there to kill him.

You can buy the book at

And I’ve also got an interview with Bebe…

  • Who is your favorite author?

    • In my genre, I adore J.R. Ward! Her plotlines are out of this world, her imagery is beautiful and I can really connect with her characters.
  • Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book?

    • An Element of Time is meant to be a fun, romantic, suspenseful read that paranormal fans can gobble up, feel satisfied with but are still hungry for more. Like Chinese food.
  • Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?

    • Sisters, Veronica and Stella, started out being based on me and my own sister. Throughout the editing process, I tried to strip away pieces of ourselves in them but there are definitely characteristics that stayed.
  • If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?

    • That would have to be Mackenzie. He had it hard in the beginning after he was turned into a vampire, but his life has mellowed out a bit since then. I wouldn’t mind finding out what it’s like to be a vampire for a day.
  • What books have most influenced your life?

    • Most definitely Harry Potter. I’m always amazed at the world she built and wish I had a fraction of her creativity!
  • If you could select one book that you could rewrite and add your own unique twist on, which book would that be?

    • One of my favorite shows on TV right now is Once Upon a Time. I love how they put their unique spin on all of the different fairy tales. If there was one fairy tale I wish I could put my own spin on, it would have to be The Little Mermaid.
  • Beatles or Monkees? Why?

    • Hands down, The Monkees. Growing up, my mom would play reruns of their show for me and my sister. I swear we know every line to every episode. My first concert at the ripe old age of 4 was a Monkees concert. I was even fortunate enough to get to see Davy perform solo in NYC before he passed away. They were a major part of my upbringing and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!

(For fans of the show, I pay homage to them in my book. If you know the show, you will recognize it!)

  • Who should play you in a film of your life?

    • Only because I adore her and we are both red heads, I will go with Debra Messing. I am always drawn to red-headed actors/actresses! Which might be why I chose The Little Mermaid. 


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An Excellent Adventure

An Excellent Adventure

So I did finish “Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure” – there’s a little editing to be done, but it’s basically finished.  I’m really happy with it – it’s fun to see a slightly different perspective in the Dream Series (even if Betty’s voice really isn’t too far different from Sara’s – Sara had to get it from somewhere, after all).

I only have one dilemma, and I’m waiting to hear back from a couple of beta readers to ask them what they think about it.  It’s only two sentences that either stay in or come out.

There’s also an issue of cost – I was planning on making it free, but I don’t think I can do that on Amazon.  As far as I can tell, it has to be at least $0.99.  I definitely want to give the ebook away, so I need to see what I can figure out (it’ll be available in print as well, and obviously that won’t be free, but it’ll be as cheap as they let me make it).

And it looks as though Nicola Bryant actually might narrate it for audiobook, which would be just amazingly cool.  Fingers crossed!

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Cover Reveal – “Ascending the Veil” by Venessa Kimball

Cover Reveal – “Ascending the Veil” by Venessa Kimball



Indie author Venessa Kimball’s new book, “Ascending the Veil” is about to be released, and we’ve got her brand-new cover to show you.

But first, here’s Venessa…



In 2010, Venessa Kimball was struck by an idea, a story, that needed telling. Having always been passionate about the written word, Venessa embarked on writing what would become her debut novel, Piercing the Fold: Book 1; a mature young adult/ adult crossover, paranormal, science fiction series. July 2, 2012, Venessa Kimball independently published the first book in the Piercing the Fold series. Book 2, Surfacing the Rim, released March 14, 2013.

In August of 2013, Venessa joined the publishing house, Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly. The Piercing the Fold series will be re-published with them beginning with Piercing the Fold: Book 1 on September 3, 2013. Surfacing the Rim: Book 2 will be re-published on September 24. 2013 and Ascending the Veil: Book 3 will be released for the first time on October 18, 2013. The final book in the series, Book 4 (Title TBD) will release in 2014.

As for the future, Venessa is already filling her Work-In-Progress folder. Two of her future projects are contemporary fiction and will reflect her diversity as a writer in other genres. When Venessa is not writing, she is keeping active with her husband and three children, chauffeuring said children to extracurricular activities, participating in charitable 5k and 10k races(crazy…but she loves to run), catching a movie with her hubby, and staying up way too late reading.

Follow Venessa at her website, on Facebook and on Twitter.

And now, here’s the cover for “Ascending the Veil”…



and about the book…

In book 1…

Jesca pierced the fold of her reality, setting it askew forever.

In book 2…

Jesca needed to fight to surface the rim of her ever evolving reality.

In book 3…

A veil beyond our universe has been parted and Jesca must ascend that veil in an attempt to save both those she holds dear and a evolving human race on the cusp of global collapse.


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If you’re in New Jersey this weekend…

If you’re in New Jersey this weekend…

You can check this great event out…

This relaxed, casual setting will offer readers, fans and book lovers alike time to meet and greet some of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania’s very own authors.

Grab a snack, a drink and chat all things books. Delve into the mind of an author who may just become a new favorite!

Authors range in all genres from YA to Adult.

This event is free to attend and open to the public. The authors will have signed books for sale so be sure to bring cash if you’d like to purchase one. Attendees will have a chance to win prize packs containing books and bookmarks.

Please Register here

Here is a list of authors that will be attending

Adult Authors

Jill Prand
Melissa Collins
Stephanie Lehmann
S. J. Pajonas
Eric Nierstedt
Steven Donahue & Dawn M. Donahue
Mary A Wasowski
T.H. Snyder
Alice Montalvo-Tribue
Melinda Sutherland
Milly Taiden

Young Adult Authors
Amy Evans
Nadège Richards
Lisa Amowitz
Charlotte Bennardo
Kim Purcell
Kit Grindstaff
Christy Sloat
BJ Sheldon
Katherine Polillo
Amalie Howard

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Short Story Update

Short Story Update

I hope to have the short piece I’m working on, “Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure” finished this week.

It’ll either be free or something like $0.49 on Kindle (not sure if I can make it permanantly free or not on Amazon).  I’m also hoping to have it recorded for an audiobook.  And since I already “cast” former “Doctor Who” actress Nicola Bryant as Betty Barnes, I decided to see if there was any way to get her to record the story.  And it’s a possibility!

Obviously I’m planning on continuing with the incredible Heather Jane Hogan for the Dream Series novels, but for this one shot story, I think having a celebrity narrator would be very cool.  We’ll see if it works out.

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Cover Reveal – “Alive” by Megan D. Martin

Cover Reveal – “Alive” by Megan D. Martin

Title: Alive (Crave, #1)

Author: Megan D. Martin

Genre: New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Interracial Romance

Release Date: January 3, 2014

Flesh-eating zombies, dirty sex, and a shattered past…

What’s more dangerous—the man who broke her heart or those trying to eat it?

Fighting to survive, Eve finds herself alone in the world after the Crave—the only parallel of her former life. On the hunt for her sister, she runs into Gage—the first and only boy to have her heart and break it. It’s been four years and he isn’t a boy anymore, nor is he the same person he used to be. Against her better judgment, Eve agrees to stay with him when he divulges information on a safe haven near the small town they grew up in—but that doesn’t mean she has to like it…

Returning home elicits a myriad of emotions that both Eve and Gage thought they had buried. The past and present collide and they are forced to the face bitter deceits that ruined them in the before and threaten to destroy them now…

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About Megan:

Megan D. Martin is a multi-published author, mother, student and editor. In her spare time she enjoys decorating her house with strange things that do not match, playing her old school Nintendo Entertainment System, and buying fish for her many fish tanks. To learn more about Megan, check her out on these social networking sites.






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