Month: February 2015

Wine, Roses and Excerpts

Wine, Roses and Excerpts

I’m participating in a great event on Facebook – Roses & Wine – a celebration of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, and also of several fantastic authors who’ve got audiobooks to share with readers/listeners.  Including me, naturally!

If you’ve just come from the event on Facebook to learn a little bit more about DREAM SEQUENCE, please read on!  DREAM SEQUENCE is a collection of the first three books in my Dream Series.  The whole series follows Sara, a young woman who discovers that she can step into other people’s dreams.

The first book introduces us to Sara as a college student who’s just trying to get through her final exams and apply to medical school, when the dream start.  Book two joins Sara in her first month of medical school – and her first few weeks of life as a newlywed.  And book three follows Sara into residency, and parenthood, when she learns that her four-year-old daughter has inherited her talent for dreaming.

Here’s an excerpt – in keeping with the romantic theme of Valentine’s Day – from book one of the collection (DREAM STUDENT):

And now it’s Saturday night.  Mom took me out to get my hair done and for a manicure.  I feel a little ridiculous being fussed over all day, but I have to admit that the end result is worth it.  At six-thirty I’m finally dressed and all made up.  Obviously I’m wearing the emerald necklace; I haven’t taken it off except in the shower since Brian gave it to me.  I’ve put on the diamond earrings that Mom forced me to borrow from her, there’s nothing else left to do.

I take one final look in the mirror. I don’t recognize the person looking back at me.  “Who are you?” I ask her, but she doesn’t answer.  She looks like the older, prettier, more sophisticated sister that I don’t have.  I turn my back on her and go downstairs.  I wonder if I’ll see her again.

Mom and Dad are waiting for me, and they’re both speechless.  Mom looks like she’s about to cry.  I see that they’ve got the camera out; I should have expected that.  Bob comes down the stairs, and he looks at me.  He seems confused.  “Who’s she?” he asks Mom and Dad.  Then he looks back at me again, really stares.  “Holy crap.”

“Thank you, Bob,” I answer.  I take it as a compliment, even if it really wasn’t.  After that, nobody says anything for a couple of minutes, until the sound of a car rumbling up the driveway breaks the silence.  Headlights shine in the window.  Then the car goes quiet and the lights go out, and a moment later the doorbell rings.  Dad opens the door, and Brian’s there, flowers in hand.

Roses, of course.  Red, of course.

He sets eyes on me and his jaw drops.  He keeps opening his mouth to try and say something, but nothing comes out.  It’s all I can do to keep from running over to him.  This moment is what I’ve been thinking about all week long.

I’m not sure how long we all stand there with nobody speaking or moving.  Finally, Mom breaks the spell.  “Brian, come over here, I want to get a picture of you two looking so nice.”

Brian comes over to me, and I put my arm around him as Mom fiddles with the camera.  I realize this is the first time I’ve seen him properly dressed up.  He’s very handsome in his dark blue suit and his yellow tie.  I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the only tie he owns.

Mom ends up taking what seems like a whole roll of pictures before Dad mercifully steps in front of the camera.  “Betty, they probably want to go already.”

I hug Dad, kiss him on the cheek.  “Thanks, Dad.  For everything.”

Brian shakes Dad’s hand.  “Yes, thank you, Mr. Barnes.  Sara told me…”

Dad scoffs.  “It’s our pleasure.  “You just go out and have a wonderful time tonight,” he says.

“We will, Dad,” I assure him.  “And don’t worry, I’ll be home by one at the latest.”  That isn’t my choice; Brian has to be home by one-thirty.  If it was up to me–well, I don’t know when or even if we’d get back tonight.

We probably won’t be,” Mom says with a laugh.  “Not if tonight is anything like Juliet McGuire’s parties usually are.”  I wonder if Mom would be telling me that if I hadn’t told her that Brian absolutely had to be home by one-thirty?  On second thought, I’m not sure I want to know!

You can also hear an audiobook sample from DREAM SEQUENCE (this sample is from the opening of book two, DREAM DOCTOR):


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Reading in Public – “Winter’s Tale” (part 4, chapter 5 – “Abysmillard Redux”)

Reading in Public – “Winter’s Tale” (part 4, chapter 5 – “Abysmillard Redux”)

We’ve got one more short chapter before Helprin really puts his foot on the accelerator and doesn’t let up for the remainder of the book.

We open with Craig Binky, who’s in poor spirits.  Praeger de Pinto turned on him during the recently-ended mayoral campaign.  He still has no idea what’s in the giant ship out in the river, and he’s lost face with his wealthy friends by losing out in the faddish game of church-buying (the half-dozen Baptist churches he bought are “a pretty poor showing”).

He resolves to do something about his ignorance of the ship, at least, but, as with most Binkian schemes, things don’t go quite as planned.  He spends $100,000 to find out the names of Jackson Mead, Reverend Mootfowl and Mr. Cecil Wooley, which everyone else already knows.  He then (this is one of the few points where the book really dates itself) goes to seek information from the “National Computer.”  It’s not really fair to knock the author, though, considering the commonly-understood state of computer technology when he wrote the book.

At any rate, even though he pays $1,000,000 just to ask one question of the machine, he gets no answer.

He knew no thing of Jackson Mead, and everyone else did.

Even the lowliest, most abysmal creature knows – even Abysmillard, who we met way back in part one.  He’s one of the Baymen – the last of them, having survived to the end of the second millennium.  Helprin takes us through Abysmlllard’s long and unspeakably sad journey through the century.  He had no friends, no companions:

The Baymen were not famous for bathing, and, in not bathing, Abysmillard was their champion by far.  He had to have his own hut on his own acre, and this for the sake of people who liked to eat live eels.

Despite his monstrous, disgusting nature, and the fact that even people who ate live eels were repulsed by him, Abysmillard harbored a secret belief that one day, he would

become a bright and graceful creature that everyone loved.  As the years passed, he waited for his own molting, infused with a single purpose and strengthened by a single expectation.

Eventually, this comes to pass.  Over the decades, as the Baymen are killed off by the constant encroaching of civilization, he lives on.  Finally, now, only weeks before the turn of the millennium, he’s the only one left.  Abysmillard is forced from his home, such as it is, by the construction of Jackson Mead’s bridge.  Abysmillard sees what is being done, and he recalls the songs of the Baymen, specifically the Thirteenth Song, which describes the last days

when a solid rainbow springs from the ice to leap the white curtain, and on its arc of beating lights are a thousand smiling steps.

Will Mead’s Rainbow Bridge be a literal rainbow?  Abysmillard thinks so, but he won’t be around to see it.  He’s forced further from his home in search of food, and, alone on the ice, he takes his final walk.

New York Harbor, meanwhile, is filled with people.  It’s completely frozen over, and a whole impromptu city forms on the ice.  But one morning, after all the tents and people have vanished, Peter Lake and Asbury Gunwillow are at work on the Sun’s motor launch, and Asbury spots something out on the ice.  It looks like, and in fact is, a person.  A man, frozen to death.

And Peter recognizes Abysmillard, who was there when he was found by the Baymen, a century ago.  He explains who they were and how they lived.

“He must have been the last one,” Asbury said, unnerved by the savage and unfamiliar face of Abysmillard.

“No,” said Peter Lake.  “I am.”

And on that upsetting and prophetic note, the chapter ends.  It certainly seems that we’re headed for something apocalyptic.  The Baymen song talks of the “last days’ and we witness their near extinction in this chapter.  Praeger foresees an Armageddon-like battle that’s been put off for a century or more but is now unavoidable.  And for the Wagnerians, remember that the seemingly triumphant end of Das Rhinegold, with the Gods crossing the Rainbow Bridge, leads directly to their end in fire and water at the climax of Gotterdammerung.

And it all starts with the next chapter…


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Indie Lights book Parade – Tracie Roberts and “Echo”

Indie Lights book Parade – Tracie Roberts and “Echo”

It’s time for another installment of the Indie Lights Book Parade.  Meet Tracie Roberts:

tracie rpberts


Tracie Roberts is the author of ECHO and BLUR, Books 1 and 2 of The Élan Series. She writes YA and NA novels tinged with the paranormal. Beyond writing, she enjoys family time, stargazing and sea glass searches. Find her at or on Twitter and Facebook.

Website –

Facebook – tracie.roberts13

Twitter – @tracie_roberts

And here are her books…



He’s the one she’s been dreaming of…

Tara McAllister has her life figured out: graduate from college, get a job teaching at her old high school, and find a boyfriend that won’t care that she’s a practicing witch. Everything is falling into place…until the visions begin. Tara’s practice has given her a gift–she sees the future. And for her, it includes a gorgeous man that she’s never met but definitely knows. She can feel it. Now all she has to do is find him.

…but is he the one she’s destined to be with?

Derek Williams just wants to get by. He goes to school, works to help support his family, and enjoys the occasional party with his friends—as long as his gift doesn’t create a ruckus. Derek is an empath, born to feel what others feel and able to change their emotions with a touch. His inherited gift comes with an added benefit—the ability to find his soul mate, the one person he’s meant to be with. And he’s found her; he just has to convince her of their connection.

As their relationship heats up and their abilities grow stronger, Tara and Derek must overcome the objection of family and friends, the advances of former flames, and a secret that could ruin them both—if their love is to survive.

ECHO is available now through Amazon here:




Joined by an ancient magic, their love was predestined. Now, that fragile bond is in danger of being shattered.

Tara McAllister has come to terms with her soul mate being underage and a student in her class. She knows that it’s illegal, but legalities are inconsequential where the heart’s concerned. The soul deep connection that drew them together over the summer has strengthened. Just as she feels comfortable enough to dream about a future with her élan, a tragic accident threatens to rip her happiness from her grasp.

Derek Williams chose to pursue the one woman who made his whole existence worthwhile, despite the fact that she was older and his English teacher. Once he convinces her that they are meant to be with each other, he finally feels at peace planning their future together. Then one night and one misstep jeopardize everything they’ve built and fought for.

Tara and Derek’s love story—the story that explores the balance between what’s right and what matters—continues in BLUR, Book 2 in The Élan Series.


BLUR will be available in February through Amazon


Tracie also has a character interview for us, with her hero from “Echo” and “Blur”

An interview with Derek Williams, main character, in ECHO and BLUR by Tracie Roberts.


  1. What is your most marked characteristic?

It’s the gray eyes. All the Williams kids have them, but those of us with gifts have eye color that changes. When we use our gifts, our eyes lighten from dark gray to almost white.


  1. What is it like having eight brothers and sisters?

It’s a good thing we have a two-story house with lots of rooms or else everybody’d be fighting for space. Really, it hasn’t been too bad having so many brothers and sisters. We’ve had our share of fights, but we all look out for each other for the most part. The only time it was ever rough was when there were just six of us, four boys and two girls. My sisters, Dianne and Doraleigh, would blame everything on us boys and Daddy would believe them because they were his baby girls.


  1. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Honesty. Sure, it’s good not to lie, but people put too much value on being honest instead of being a friend. I mean, friends can be honest with you, but usually they don’t want to hurt your feelings, so they don’t tell the truth as it is. Instead, they tell a version of the truth, a version that doesn’t hurt the other person.


  1. What makes you laugh out loud?

Watching those guys on Youtube who do stupid shi…Sorry, habit. Watching them do stupid stunts on bikes or skateboards that you know are gonna end with them falling on their faces, or on their…, well, this is a G-rated interview, right? So, yeah, those stupid stunt people.


  1. What is your biggest regret?

Lying to Tara. I know it sounds weird, especially after my answer to that virtue question, but I didn’t want to lie to her, I had to. If I’d told her the truth from the get-go, we wouldn’t be together now. We might be linked and all, but I don’t know that she’d be dating me if she’d known how old I was from the beginning.


  1. How would you like to die?

That’s sort of a sick question, ain’t it? But I guess if I really thought about it, I’d like to die saving somebody else. Like be a hero or something. Or either go peacefully in my sleep. You should have asked me how I don’t want to die. Now that would be a list long enough to end this interview right now.


  1. What three words would other people use to describe you?

Depends. Guys would say goofy, hard-working, loyal. Girls would say cute, playful, easy. Wait, don’t write that; it sounds conceited. Oh, never mind!


  1. What is your author Tracie Roberts like?

She’s pretty cool, for an older lady. She probably spends too much time with us, telling our stories, but she tries to make time for her family. I know she’s good at writing lyrics, or poetry, or whatever you want to call it, because she wrote all the poems and spells in the novels. Plus, she’s really fair. I mean, she worked really hard to tell both sides of our story without taking sides or being all judgmental like older people can be sometimes. That’s pretty cool, right?


  1. Any teasers for what’s gonna happen in Book 3?

Let’s just say that if, after reading the end of BLUR, you thought that was the end you’re gonna be really surprised. Where we come from, the world we live in, soul mates are forever. Nothing can keep them apart.

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Indle Lights Book Parade – David Edmonds and “Lily of Peru”

Indle Lights Book Parade – David Edmonds and “Lily of Peru”

Today’s installment of the Indie Lights Book Parade features author David Edmonds…

david edmonds

DAVID C. EDMONDS is a former Marine, Peace Corps Volunteer, Senior Fulbright Professor of Economics, academic dean and U.S. government official with long experience in Latin America. He’s the author, editor or ghostwriter of seven other books, including the award-winning Yankee Autumn in Acadiana. Dr. Edmonds grew up in Louisiana and Mississippi and studied at Mississippi Southern, L.S.U., Notre Dame, Georgetown, George Washington and American University. He currently lives in lovely Tarpon Springs, FL with his wife Maria.

And his book is “Lily of Peru”

lily of peru

Markus goes to war-torn Peru for one reason: to take home the woman he’s loved since his Peace Corps days—Marisa with the long dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. But when he arrives in Lima, he’s confronted by a general with a subpoena, agents with guns, and the startling accusation that she’s a key figure in one of the most bizarre terrorist movements in the world.

And they want his help in bringing her to justice.

Markus is stunned. Is she the Marisa of his dreams, or is she the bomb-throwing terrorist on her wanted posters? The truth lies somewhere down the road, and nothing is going to stop him from finding it—not the soldiers who dog his every step, not the terrorists who think he’s on their side, and not the hostile natives and witches who chase him through the eastern jungles.

You can buy the book at Amazon.

And you can follow David at:

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Reading in Public – “Winter’s Tale” (part 4, chapter 4 – “The White Dog of Afghanistan”)

Reading in Public – “Winter’s Tale” (part 4, chapter 4 – “The White Dog of Afghanistan”)

When we left off, Praeger de Pinto had just clinched the election for Mayor of New York.  We pick up the story soon after, with Peter Lake.  He seems to be doing better; the fact that the man for whom he cast a dozen votes won the election makes him feel “like a power broker”.  He reinforces that feeling by buying a new suit from the best store in town (Fippo’s), getting a proper haircut and ridding himself of his derelict’s beard.

Now that he can see himself properly, he notices, somewhat to his surprise (if not to ours), that he’s got a kind face.  He doesn’t know how he might have become kind, but he chooses to run with it.  He’s got a nice apartment, a job he loves, a comforting daily ritual – everything a man could ask for.

Until, that is, one evening at his favorite restaurant (which he visits daily; Peter is nothing if not a creature of habit), he sees two strange men, dressed in bowler hats and old-fashioned clothes.  Peter doesn’t know why he can’t take his eyes off of them (but we do!).  The two Short Tails talk in low voices, but Peter is able to make out one phrase: “the White Dog of Afghanistan.”  He doesn’t remember hearing the phrase, but it still registers with him, and the next thing he knows, he’s in search of a dog.  A white dog. “A rather large white dog.  An heroic-sized dog,” he tells the owner of a pet shop.  He’s referred to another pet store, specializing in heroic-sized dogs, but even that doesn’t do the trick, and he’s informed that what he really must be looking for is a horse.

Peter agrees, and begins to scour the city in search of a white horse, not not just any old white horse.  He doesn’t know that he’s looking for Athansor, of course, but he obviously is.  He assembles a library to both calm his mind and aid in his search (an opportunity for Helprin to contribute to the Invisible Library).  My personal favorite among Peter’s new collection of equine literature is “Ride Like Hell, You Son of a Bitch” by Fulgura Franco.

Peter quickly becomes known at every stable in the city, as well as anyplace horses are sold at auction or shown on display.  In the course of his search, he repeatedly runs across Christiana Friebourg, who’s looking for precisely the same thing Peter is.  When they finally speak, they’re surprised to discover that they’re connected by the New York Sun, and also by their relationship to the Penn family.

The chapter ends (this is a short one) with Peter agreeing to take a look at the misbehaving engine of Asbury Gunwillow’s boat.  Since the boat belongs to The Sun, Peter reasons, it’s part of his job anyway:

as far as he could tell, taking care of The Sun’s engines was his reason for being.

Not much happens here, except for Peter regaining more of himself (a process that will accelerate as we make our way to the end of the story).  I think this chapter is, more than anything, a brief respite (as the next chapter will be, too) before we plunge headlong into the climax of the story.

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Book Tour – Jeanine Binder and “Real Time”

Book Tour – Jeanine Binder and “Real Time”


about author

Jeanine Binder grew up in a small town in California on the outskirts of Palm Springs, where the Hollywood celebrities liked to vacation. After thirty years, she packed up, moved to Arkansas where she still lives today. Her hobbies include her writing, reading good books, and seeing exotic places (loves to go on cruises).

Writing has always been a passion and hoping the next twenty years will bring many enjoyable books for others to read.





Little Known Facts

Interview with Fiona McVie

What inspired you to write your first book? The want to write something people would enjoy reading. That was always my goal – to sell one to someone I didn’t know who enjoyed reading it.

Do you have a specific writing style? I write “clean” romance. My author-daughter calls those “Fade to Blacks” where I set up the love scene, then it fades off.

What books have most influenced your life most? a mentor? Little Women – I admitted Louisa Mae Alcott for writing that when she was a teenager. Think I’ve read it fifty times or better. In today’s world, Danielle Steel is my biggest influence. I’ve studied her style and researched how she became so successful.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Keeping the plots fresh – not having the same thing in every book.

Do you have any advice for other writers? Don’t give up. If you can’t get a publishing house to pick it up – which is getting harder and harder these days – publish it yourself on Amazon.

What makes you laugh/cry? Good comedy and kittens make me laugh. Seeing animals abused or senseless killings – that make me cry.

Is there one person pass or present you would meet and why? Sean Connery. He has always been the essence of sophistication and class.

Other than writing do you have any hobbies? Listening to music, playing Diablo 3 with friends, going on cruises for vacation.

What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching? Not much into television. I like watching the Food Network and Cardinal’s baseball, during baseball season.

Favorite foods / Colors/ Music Food = anything Oriental. Music = Alan Parsons, Yes, Van Halen. Color – maroon.


Interview with Mave Serafi

Where are you from? Born Inglewood, California. Now live Bentonville, Arkansas

What is your favourite author? James Patterson

What Genre do you typically write in and why? Light Romance – because I like happy endings

Who is your biggest inspiration? Danielle Steel – I love how she kept writing even though she kept getting turned down (she was turned down 9 times after her first book published)

What is your favorite place and time to write? Early mornings, in my office. Where is it peaceful

What are you currently working on? Finishing the edits for “Ashes to Sparks” – my next romance. Hoping for publishing early next month.

Fan Questions

What kind of liquor would your characters be? Fruity rum drinks

What inspired Fine Line? San Diego County Sheriff’s – used to hang with them some 20 years ago

What is your go to writing snack? Crunchy Cheetos



Would you prefer a cop or doctor in uniform?

Blonde or brunette?

Brains or muscle?

Reading on a rainy day or walking on a sunny day?

Country or city living?

Long vacation at home or short vacation at an exotic location?

Playing it safe or rolling the dice?

Truth or dare?

Leather or lace?

As a lover, Nick from Real Time or Leigh from Fine Line?



Real Time

Published: August 24, 2014



Twenty-five years of fame comes at a price for Nick, leaving him hard—a machine to produce nothing but his music. True to his British upbringing, he’s very set in his ways. Things are just as he wants them—no deviance.

In steps Kate—a studio musician who, by a strange twist, manages to get hired into his band. Everything starts out with the boundaries firmly placed, and it doesn’t take long for Nick to realize she’s going to change his world. To his surprise, he’s the one who is attracted to her first. She gets under his skin.

Living by the creed that letting people close gets you hurt, Nick stays driven in his commitments. He is a musician, first and foremost, but a turn of events leads him to investing in the recording company who produces his music. Can he handle this new venture, his music, and keep the woman he now loves?



Nick Marshall planted his booted foot onto the desk in front of him, taking a long drag off the cigarette in his left hand and closing his eyes as he laid his head back on the chair. This cannot be that bloody hard, he thought, exhaling and opening his eyes to watch the smoke swirl over his head. In a city the size of Los Angeles, how difficult can it be to find ONE person who can play the piano? Nick was starting to get anxious and more than simply irritated. He had been auditioning to replace Marcus Daily, his keyboard player of fifteen years. Marcus had retired in the spring, stating he wanted to be closer to home, closer to his kids. Nick appreciated his sentiments and sent him off with a bang – a new job at the studio which would accomplish that. Now the bang was in his head as a headache continued to grow through a well of sheer frustration. He’d thought this would be an easy task – now he was three weeks away from his six-month US tour and no keyboard player in sight.

A Fine line - front

A Fine Line

Published: November 13, 2014



Undercover narcotics. Lori had no clue how dirty this business really was until Dr. Leigh Matthews walked into his life, late-night in an emergency room. She was blonde, beautiful, and intelligent – to Lori’s amazement she was just as happy with him and his job as he was. His father’s financial success meant nothing to her. She was a bright ray of sunshine in an otherwise dismal world.

But as Lori prepares to bring down the largest drug operation in the county, can their love survive the stress of his long absences, the dangers of his job, as well as ultimate betrayal? Can they keep their relationship alive and well when the whole world turns upside down?



It was absolutely not his day.

It had started with an early morning phone call from his ex-wife, Melissa. She’d been ranting about how her alimony check was late this month – which was not unusual. It was always two or three days late each month. And, with that statement, came a complete dissertation of what she was unable to do based on the fact said check was late. Lori – his real name was Taylor; no one except his father ever called him that – had sat on his bed, half asleep, listening to her voice rise and fall as she doggedly made her points. He tried to interrupt numerous times but she continued, unimpeded with her tirade. She had been determined to say what she wanted before Lori ever got a word in. On and on it went –more of her normal drama. Something Lori could care less about.

Lori Winslow was a sheriff’s deputy with the Special Investigations Division for San Diego County, California. He was thirty-five years old, six-foot tall, hazel eyes, and light brown hair which hung to his shoulders.


Ashes to Sparks

coming Feb 2015



His cell phone rang at ten minutes to eleven that evening. “Jeffries,” he said answering it.

He couldn’t understand the person on the other end. They were intermittently yelling and crying – all he knew was it was Wendy’s voice on the phone. So he waited patiently for her to finish whatever fit she was having at that moment. It was normal for her to just scream and yell on the phone, not making a lot of sense until she thought she had said what she wanted. He could live a long life without her constant drama scenes.

“You done?” he asked, when the voice was quiet.

“Yes,” she said. “I want you to bring Kristen home to me tonight.”

“She’s sound asleep and it’s eleven o’clock,” he countered. “I’ll drop her off at school in the morning.”

“I’ll call the police. I’ll tell them you kidnapped her.”

The threat didn’t even faze him. “Go right ahead, Wendy. I’ll have Kristen’s school come and testify that you continually neglect to pick her up after school. It’s starting to become a habit with you. What the hell is that all about?”

“Fine,” she said, a huffy tone in her voice and ignoring his question. “You’re an asshole, Ryan.”

She hung up the phone and Ryan smiled to himself, knowing he had won this battle, small that it was. He leaned his head back against the couch, closing his eyes against a raging headache. Never again, he said to himself. I will never let a woman in my life again. Just not worth it. Ryan was thirty-three, six-foot-five, two-hundred-twenty pounds, with red hair and green eyes – not like he had issues with women admiring the way he looked. He’d catch women watching him all the time; he just wasn’t ready to jump into anything after all of the chaos he’d gone through with Wendy. It would take a very special woman to change his mind. He liked being able to do as he pleased without having to worry about any repercussions.


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Indie Lights Book Parade – Jaima Fixsen and “Incognita”

Indie Lights Book Parade – Jaima Fixsen and “Incognita”

During February, I’m participating in a very neat blog hop with fourteen other great indie writers – the Indie Lights Book Parade.  There will be fourteen posts here, starting today, so without further ado, I’ll turn things over to author Jaima Fixsen…

Incognita, by historical romance writer Jaima Fixsen


Jilted and faced with returning to the battlefields of Spain, Captain Alistair Beaumaris is quite sure his life can’t get any worse. Then he mistakes a perfectly respectable widow for a female of a much more interesting variety, and discovers he was wrong—on both counts. 

Incognita is the second book in the Fairchild series, which chronicles an aristocratic family in Regency England. The first book, Fairchild, tells the story of Sophy, Lord Fairchild’s illegitimate daughter, who must carve her way through a world that has no place for her. Incognita, the second book, follows Sophy’s rejected suitor, a Captain in the British army during the peninsular war: his unconventional love story and the complex web of relationships in the Fairchild family.

Here’s a letter from the conflicted and lonely Lady Fairchild, not included in the novel, that she writes (but is too proud to send!) to Sophy, her estranged step-daughter, in the midst of Alistair’s troubles.

From the correspondence of Lady Fairchild

Dear Sophy, 

I’ve written you so many letters I can hardly close my desk—they slide over each other, ramming against the top of the drawer—but I never send them so they sit here, getting battered about the corners. I’ve started even more that I can’t finish, and they end up in the fire. 

It shouldn’t be this hard. What I want to say is, I’m sorry. For not loving you from the first, when you lost your mother and came to my home, and then, when you became like a daughter to me, for not loving you well. I should have listened, when you told me you loved Tom and couldn’t marry Alistair. I just wanted to keep you close and see you settled happily. Alistair seemed the best chance for both. 

Now I’m less certain. He was broken hearted for a week or two, but now he’s tangled up with a Widow with Problems. I don’t see it ending well at all. He feels though, more than you think. It’s a sad tangle. 

Are you happy with Tom? Is he good to you? It’s hard, imagining you married to a stranger. I wish I knew how you are faring, that I’d listened, and held your hand as you drove to church for your wedding. The chance for that is gone, but if I could convince you that I only ever had your best interests at heart…I’d like to see you, in your home, with your new husband. I’d like to be your friend, if you will let me. I’m not good at apologies, or at starting over, but I want to try. 

Is Tom kind? Does he smile at you and tell you to stay off high-tempered horses? I hope you listen. You’ve had enough scrapes of that kind. 

London is empty with you gone. I miss you. 

With affection,


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