Christmas in Romance

Christmas in Romance












Six heartwarming Christmas novellas set in the town of Romance, Oregon…

A Reel Christmas in Romance, by, well, me -Unwittingly engaged in the plot of a classic Hollywood romance, can two email pen-pals find their way to a happy ending? Release date November 4th!

Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield – A determined widow and a persistent rancher need a nudge toward love.  Release date November 1st!

A Merry Miracle in Romance by Melanie D. Snitker – It’ll take a Christmas miracle to turn a grudging friendship into true love.  Release date November 2nd!

Holding Onto Love in Romance by Liwen Y. Ho – A small town inn owner and a big time pop star need a reason to keep holding onto love.

A Christmas Carol in Romance by Franky A. Brown – A bitter-on-love radio DJ and his girlfriend of romance past need a second chance. Release date November 5th!

Santa’s Visit in Romance by Jessica L. Elliott – Santa’s got his work cut out for him to help a reluctant couple find love during the holidays. Release date November 6th!


For your amusement, here’s a sketch showing the heroines of all six books…