Month: November 2013

Indie Author Spotlight – Lindsey Loucks and “The Grave Winner”

Indie Author Spotlight – Lindsey Loucks and “The Grave Winner”

I’ve got another great indie author to introduce to you today – Lindsey Loucks – and here she is…

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Lindsey R. Loucks works as a school librarian in rural Kansas. When she’s not discussing books with anyone who will listen, she’s dreaming up her own stories. Eventually her brain gives out, and she’ll play hide and seek with her cat, put herself in a chocolate induced coma, or watch scary movies alone in the dark to reenergize.

She’s been with her significant other for almost two decades.

You can follow Lindsey at her website, on Facebook and on Twitter.


And here’s her book…

Single tree in field during winter 2

Leigh Baxton is terrified her mom will come back from the dead — just like the prom queen did.

While the town goes beehive over the news, Leigh bikes to the local cemetery and buries some of her mom’s things in hgrave to keep her there. When the hot and mysterious caretaker warns her not to give gifts to the dead, Leigh cranks up her punk music and keeps digging.

She should have listened.

Two dead sorceresses evicted the prom queen from her grave to bury someone who offered certain gifts. Bury them alive, that is, then resurrect them to create a trio of undead powerful enough to free the darkest sorceress ever from her prison inside the earth.

With help from the caretaker and the dead prom queen, Leigh must find out what’s so special about the gifts she gave, and why the sorceresses are stalking her and her little sister. If she doesn’t, she’ll either lose another loved one or have to give the ultimate gift to the dead – herself.

You can buy it at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  You can also check it out at Goodreads, and you can watch the video book trailer right here.

AND, Lindsey has provided us with an excerpt from the book, to whet your appetite.  Enjoy!

 Dad, Darby, and I stood rooted in place at Mom’s burial. The weight in my chest threatened to suffocate me if I looked at the lid of her gleaming casket any longer. Instead, I focused on the black birds cutting across the sky in a sharp V formation. They pressed on until the tops of the trees took them from me.

The preacher had stopped talking a long time ago. People still crowded around us, heads bent, smothering their sniffles with tissues. Someone patted my back. I wished they’d stop. No attempt to comfort would help.

The white-haired old man hovering back by the fence hacked loudly then puffed on a cigarette with a dirt-spattered hand. When we arrived at Heartland Cemetery, I’d seen him preparing another grave for a casket. He bounced on the balls of his feet, probably anxious to get the body in the ground.

Mom’s body. Once the ground swallowed her, her death would be final, and that guy wanted to speed things up. He probably wanted to get to his coffee break or something. Heat flashed through my gut. I took a step towards him.

Dad grabbed the collar of my dress and yanked me back. I opened my mouth to say something, but the words died in my throat when I saw the tears slipping down his cheeks.

Darby had her head buried in his side. She looped her small fingers around my plaid belt, the one Mom got me for my fifteenth birthday. I grasped Darby’s warm hand and closed my eyes against the pricks of hurt inside them.

The people closing us in shifted and began to wander away. The old man inched closer to Mom’s casket. Dad tightened his hold on my collar. I gripped Darby’s fingers and glared at the man.

The few people who were left gave us consoling looks and said empty words before they drifted off. One was the woman who’d seen my funeral attire earlier and clucked her tongue in disapproval. Mom had loved my black eyeliner and these combat boots, though. She’d said I reminded her of herself when she was young.

“It’s time,” Dad said.

A choked cry forced its way out of my mouth. No, it wasn’t. If we left, the old man would lower Mom into the ground. It would be final, and I couldn’t stand it.

“Why?” I asked, my voice cracking.

Dad just shook his head, hugged us both to him, and turned to leave Mom with the old man.

I wriggled free and ran.

“Leigh?” Dad called.

I didn’t know where I was going or what I was doing. But I needed to be away—away from that stupid man who wanted to put the final punctuation mark on Mom’s life. Away from the unfairness of her death.

My breath came in quick, sharp gasps as I wound around crumbling headstones. The sun threw bright rays on the maze of white, rocky paths and made my eyes tear up. I pumped my legs harder until I became nothing but movement. The untied laces of my left boot whipped my bare legs. Grass and mud around the graves muffled my steps until my boot flew off my foot and landed with a thwack in the middle of a cluster of trees.

I leaned over to catch my breath, unsure if I wanted to laugh or cry. Several yards behind me, Dad and Darby stood and waited. I waved them on to the gates and went to retrieve my boot.  There seemed to be no one around except the trees and me. The leaves murmured to each other while the wind swayed the branches. Heartland Cemetery had more trees than the rest of Krapper, Kansas, and they all whispered and danced for the amusement of the dead.

A sudden breeze brushed over my arms and sent a faint smell of rotten hamburger past my nose. My stomach rolled. What was that? That didn’t smell like the usual slaughtered cow stink that came from the other side of town. I shoved my foot into my boot and hobbled away.

The breeze and stink faded to nothing as quickly as they had come. I bent to tie my boot, but a crackling behind me made me pause. A cloud cast long, dark shadows over the headstones and chilled my skin. The hairs along my arms prickled.

The crackling came closer. I turned my head slightly. In the corner of my eye, inky black darkness crawled up the bark of a nearby tree.

I gasped and shot to my feet. The black ink crept to the tips of the branches and ripped away its leaves, leaving it empty and naked. More darkness pooled at the bottom of the trunk and inched along the grass towards me. Every green blade curled in on itself with that awful crackling sound, dying. The darkness reached straight for me.

A shudder raced across my shoulders. I stumbled backwards. My gaze caught on blackened footprints that led to the tree. Someone was doing this? But how? This wasn’t possible.

I glanced back at Dad and Darby, but they’d gone on without me. This couldn’t be real. None of it. I shook my head hard, trying to wake myself. Nothing changed.

Something dark fluttered from behind the dead tree. Whoever was doing this stood behind the trunk.

I dug my nails into my palms, pressed my lips together, and took a step back. A branch snapped under my boot, louder than the crackling. I froze. My heart jumped.

Scraps of muddy fabric flapped around the trunk, followed by a girl.

My flesh crept up and down my bones. Sweat trickled down the back of my dress. That rotten meat stink kicked my stomach, forcing me to clap a hand over my nose and mouth.

The torn fabric that hung from the girl’s scrawny frame looked like a prom dress. Mud and grime covered her entire body. Her mouth sagged open in a silent scream.

I couldn’t move. The darkness pooled underneath the dangling hem of the girl’s dress and spread dangerously close to the toes of my boots, but I couldn’t move.

The girl raised her tucked chin and looked at me. The whites of her eyes blazed behind the mud caking her face. Her open mouth held the same black gloom that dripped at her feet. A grimy tiara perched on the side of her head.

My muscles stiffened. I gasped as recognition hit me.

I knew the girl. Or knew of her. Her social circle was my social nightmare. Her name was Sarah, a popular cheerleader who committed suicide a week ago.

But how could she be here when she should be in the ground? I had to be hallucinating. My grief, the stress from the day, it was all making me see things.

Jumbled whispers swirled through the air. Was Sarah trying to tell me something? Because I didn’t want to hear it. My feet finally got the message to move just before the killing darkness touched my boots. I ran.

“Mom,” I called without thinking. Mom.

The old man cranked a lever that lowered her into the ground. A dull pain stitched my side. A sob welled in my throat. I couldn’t watch.

“Dad!” I raced for the cemetery gates. He and Darby stood just outside. When I neared them, I breathed, “Something’s wrong.” Because what else could I say in front of Darby? If she’d seen what I saw, it would be too much to handle in one day. I stood so I blocked her view of anything behind me and resisted the urge to flip the glasses off her face.

Jo, my best friend, put her hand on my shoulder. I hadn’t even noticed she was there. “What is it, Leigh?”

I took giant gulps of air and risked a glance behind me. The trees looked normal. Black death hadn’t dripped everywhere. Everyone was in their graves.

That fact made me wince. “Nothing.”

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Book tour – T.G. Ayer and “Dead Chaos”

Book tour – T.G. Ayer and “Dead Chaos”

I’m happy to be hosting a stop this morning for the book tour of T.G. Ayer and her new novel, “Dead Chaos.”  Make sure to read all the way to the end for a special giveaway…

First of all, here’s our author of the day…


and here she is in her own words…

I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognise that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practise given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes… I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It’s a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each other’s loves – it works wonderfully…

My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands – I shall forever remain cross-eyed.

You can find her at her website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, her blog, Goodreads, Shelfari or you can email her directly.

Here’s her new book, “Dead Chaos”…



“My wings.

They’d taken my wings.

A sob caught in my throat. I desperately wanted to cry out but no sound escaped my lips. I struggled to take the next breath and for one hysterical moment I feared I’d be unable to perform the simple action.”


Valkyrie Bryn Halbrook is broken and damaged…

Struggling to accept the loss of her wings, Bryn’s not sure if she can be a real Valkyrie anymore. But when a mysterious prophecy claims she will be the reason the All-Father dies, she is determined to ensure the prediction will not come to pass.

A visit to the three fates who live beneath the great Tree of life, sends Bryn racing against time to find the missing Heimdall and his horn. As Odin’s life hangs in the balance and Ragnarok draws ever closer, Bryn has to find a way to save Heimdall and Odin before she can discover the truth about who she really is.

In the thrilling conclusion of the Valkyrie series Bryn must battle not only the formidable frost giants and the hated God Loki, but she must also find a balance between what she will lose and what she will gain.

You can buy it right here on Amazon (also Amazon UK, and Amazon AU), Barnes & Noble and also Smashwords.


The previous books in the Valkyrie series are “Dead Radiance”, which you can purchase at Amazon right now, and “Dead Embers”, which is also available at Amazon.

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Book Tour – “The Mirage” by Clemy Warner-Thompson

Book Tour – “The Mirage” by Clemy Warner-Thompson

I’ve got another great book tour for you today – “The Mirage” by Clemy Warner-Thompson…



And here’s the author herself…

C Warner-Thompson


Clemy was born in the UK in 1991 where she still lives, growing up alongside one younger and three older brothers.

Books and writing was an interest that she began to develop from the first years of secondary school, and on her thirteenth birthday, she began to plan and design the idea to write a fantasy novel. She finished secondary school with high GCSE’s and then went on into further education to study English and all aspects of art and design. After six years of writing, planning and overall editing of the book, it was successfully completed, containing over 82,000 words, and self published in the first week of 2011.

With high expectations in herself, she immediately began to write a second novel in the series, while keeping her art and design a part of the process. The achievement of completing the first novel ‘Purest Light,’ allowed the ideas of the second to flow much easier and it was completed by early 2012. As she was writing the third and final book, New Beginnings, at the same time, the series was finished by its publication in 2013.

Writing is now a part of her everyday and she has now started her newest project, The Mirage, which is book two of three.

You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Smashwords and Lulu.

And here’s the book…

The Mirage Cover


Abbii can’t remember a time when Shadows weren’t chasing her.

Everywhere she goes they are there, hunting her down.

Since discovering the magical powers in her grasp, she has fought against members of the Forgotten- those pulled into Darkness willingly- and her friends have fallen into danger. Innocent people have lost their lives and the Shadows have spread. Abbii’s friends have fought to remain by her side, but something inside of her has changed.

She is filled with regret and pain of losing her best friend Jake, though she keeps it hidden well- not even Nate can see the damage. Her lack of emotion pushes him to leave and he is thrown into his own spiralling destiny.

Abbii has a choice- to stay by her friends’ sides and fight to protect their home, or leave the realm she knows and search for those that she has lost. Her heart is broken but her friends cannot help her. She has to choose between searching for Jake in the Dark, or whether to return to Nate’s side and keep the Light burning brightly.

The question is, will Light be able to save her from the Darkness within?

You can buy it at Smashwords, and also

AND, as a special treat, Clemy has provided us with an interview with Nate, one of the heroes of the book…

  • Tell us a little about yourself. How do you look, strengths/weaknesses?

I’ve been staying at the College since Daniel found me in the gardens. Took me a long time to get my memories back from before then, but they’re mostly whole now. I’m around 21, but I haven’t had a real birthday yet- that’s the problem with being part of another. It’s hard but I’m not one to give up. I have dark hair like Jake, but my eyes are hazel. I’m glad there’s a clear difference between us, though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. My body is coping well with my magic, but I have a lot of scars. I feel Jake in my head all the time, but at least Abbii keeps me strong.

  • Can you tell us a little about your magic?

My magic materialised when I woke up at the Everglades. I didn’t know at the time it was because of Abbii being so close. I can speak telepathically, move things, teleport and see into the future… one day, I hope to lose them, or rather the connection with Jake. I’ve had enough.

  • Due to everything that has happened, you kinda got tossed headfirst into everything. Can you describe what happened in the Star, and what you’re going to do now?

Finding out that I’m part of Jake, wasn’t exactly easy. I tried to ignore the feeling in my head and push my powers aside, by keeping Abbii safe and making sure she knew how to protect herself… but he’s always in my head. I trained Abbii to use her powers and helped her reach Pennyworth to search for information about Jake. We both found something we didn’t expect. Tricia Christian was alive, and so was Jake. We also learned that being The Star, gave Abbii an extraordinary power. She had resurrected Jake and in turn, created me. I hate him. I won’t let him harm her. If I have to search the Dark for him then that is what I’m going to do.

  • How does it make you feel to know that your soul is part of Jakes? That Abbii is drawn to both of you?

It’s hard, knowing Abbii wants nothing more than be by Jake’s side, but she doesn’t understand… he’ll hurt her, one way or another. I have to help my friends, regardless of what Abbii believes. They need our help- she knows that, but she’s lost her way. My soul is part of him, but also part of her, we’re a triangle. Whilst 3 of us remain, one will continually weaken. One needs to die, but I won’t let Abbii fall.


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Book Blitz! “Chameleon” by Kenya Wright

Book Blitz! “Chameleon” by Kenya Wright

Title: Chameleon
Genre: New Adult Urban Fantasy
Author: Kenya Wright



Cameo lives in a caged supernatural city where all species are tagged at birth with silver brands embedded in their foreheads. Her X brand identifies her as a Mixbreed, but she’s so much more. Like a chameleon, she can shift from one person’s image to another.


It’s a great way to make money for a habitat street kid, or Cage Punk as most people call them. Wiz, her street partner-in-crime, finds her jobs to use her abilities. Some jobs entail changing into people to take academic tests. Others require more skill and involve higher risk.


When Wiz asks Cameo to stand in for a Were-wolf teenager who doesn’t want to go to her debutante ball, it seems like just another job, until a corpse is discovered and an old friend of Wiz appears.
Kenya Wright always knew she would be famous since the ripe old age of six when she sang the Michael Jackson thriller song in her bathroom mirror. She has tried her hand at many things from enlisting in the Navy for six years as a Persian-Farsi linguist to being a nude model at an art university.


However, writing has been the only constant love in her life. Will she succeed? Of course.
For she has been coined The Urban Fantasy Queen, the Super Iconic Writer of this Age, The Lyrical Genius of Our Generation. Granted, these are all terms coined by her, within the private walls of her bathroom as she still sings the Michael Jackson thriller song.


Kenya Wright currently resides in Miami with her three amazing, overactive children, a supportive, gorgeous husband, and three cool black cats that refuse to stop sleeping on Kenya’s head at night.


$25 Amazon Gift Card and Kenya Wright’s Paranormal Romance
ebook Bundle Giveaway (Eight Books: The first three Santeria Habitat
Books, Vampire King Series, Incubus Hunter, and Chameleon)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Indie Author Spotlight – T.F. Walsh and “Cloaked in Fur”

Indie Author Spotlight – T.F. Walsh and “Cloaked in Fur”

I’ve got a fantastic indie author to introduce you to this morning…T.F. Walsh…

TF Walsh Pic


T.F. Walsh emigrated from Romania to Australia at the age of eight and now lives in a regional city south of Sydney with her husband. Growing up hearing dark fairytales, she’s always had a passion for reading and writing horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy and young adult stories. She balances all the dark with light fluffy stuff like baking and traveling.

You can follow her at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Goodreads and Amazon.

And here’s her novel, “Cloaked in Fur”

Cloaked in Fur Cover


As a moonwulf, Daciana never expected to fall in love with a human. Hell, she never imagined that she’d abandon her pack, endanger everyone around her, and break the worst rule possible. But she did.

A rogue werewolf is killing Daciana’s friends, and she sets on capturing the creature.  She’ll do whatever it takes to stop the beast. The police and her boyfriend, Inspector Connell Lonescu, are starting to question her involvement in the murders, which is endangering the pack’s secret existence. But when the pack alpha kidnaps Connell, revealing the awful truth about the creature and its connection to the pack, Daciana must choose between saving the man she loves and saving her pack family from certain death.

It’s published by Crimson Romance.  you can buy it directly from their website, or at Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, the iTunes bookstore, Kobo and AllRomance.


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What’s next?

What’s next?

With “Dream Reunion” finished, what’s next on the agenda?

There’s the actual launch of the book, for one thing.  I’m shooting for December 16th at the moment.

Then there’s the launch of “A Box of Dreams”, which I’m thinking will be December 9th.

And the audiobook release of “Betty & Howard’s Excellent Adventure”, which will be probably next week.

After that…

On to book 7 in the Dream Series.  I’ve got it pretty well mapped out in my head, and I think it’ll be a good story.  I just need a title (oh, and to write the darn thing!)

And also, hopefully, get back to work on Jane’s story (“Queen of the Idiots”, unless I change that title).

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Book Blitz! “Alive” by Megan D. Martin

Book Blitz! “Alive” by Megan D. Martin

Title: Alive (Crave, #1)

Author: Megan D. Martin

Genre: New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Interracial Romance

Release Date: November 22, 2013

Flesh-eating zombies, dirty sex, and a shattered past…

What’s more dangerous—the man who broke her heart or those trying to eat it?

Fighting to survive, Eve finds herself alone in the world after the Crave—the only parallel of her former life. On the hunt for her sister, she runs into Gage—the first and only boy to have her heart and break it. It’s been four years and he isn’t a boy anymore, nor is he the same person he used to be. Against her better judgment, Eve agrees to stay with him when he divulges information on a safe haven near the small town they grew up in—but that doesn’t mean she has to like it…

Returning home elicits a myriad of emotions that both Eve and Gage thought they had buried. The past and present collide and they are forced to the face bitter deceits that ruined them in the before and threaten to destroy them now…

Add to Goodreads 

Book Trailer

About Megan:

Megan D. Martin is a multi-published author, mother, student and editor. In her spare time she enjoys decorating her house with strange things that do not match, playing her old school Nintendo Entertainment System, and buying fish for her many fish tanks. To learn more about Megan, check her out on these social networking sites.






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